Episode 36 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 36 recap

In which we get a happy ending 

"Wen Bin" returns to the Academy to everyone's joy and all are proud of the Quartet.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Miss Mu and Han Sheng Zhi
Ep 36: Awww💓

Meanwhile Han Sheng Zhi drinks alone. Miss Mu comes to see him, he tells her to leave, saying he has nothing left. But Miss Mu says - you still have me (🐼:Awww💗)  

In dorm room 2, Lei Ze Xin has the hair pin in hand, while looking out at Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi washing laundry together. Yu Le Xuan comes in, snatches it, and asks who it's for. While the two are horsing around, Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun enter. Yu Le Xuan says her Senior Brother has a gift for her but hands over a fan (rather than the hair pin). Xue Wen Xi spots the hair pin too, mistakenly thinking that Yu Le Xuan has a crush on someone. He asks if she would like the hair pin if she were a girl and she quickly says she's not a girl. He then asks Feng Cheng Jun, who says if the girl likes you, she will like your gift. When the others leave, Feng Cheng Jun remarks to Xue Wen Xi that he had a scare, thinking that the pin might have had the word "Wen"carved into it. (🐼: Well he was nearly right...)

That night Lei Ze Xin and Feng Cheng Jun bicker about the sleeping arrangements again. Lei Ze Xin says he is going home for a few days, telling Yu Le Xuan to keep an eye on the other two. Our favourite stirrer remarks that he can't keep an eye on them forever. Lei Ze Xin says he meant to protect them, not try and keep them apart (🐼:yeah right,haha).

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - libraryIn a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - library

Not that anyone could keep our two lovebirds apart.  Love is definitely in the air as they sneak shy glances at each other in the library.

Feng Cheng Jun is so distracted that she has to promise to give him a reward if he behaves and they erect a barrier of books on the bed so they can't see each other and even then, he has to ask if she can sleep a little further away from him (🐼:😆).  

They also go on a date in which Xue Wen Xi dresses as a girl again. (He doesn't recognise her at first as she has a veil on, but when she unmasks, he is stunned.In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun cuteness

The two go shopping for trinkets but bump into bookstore keeper Mr Chao, and Xue Wen Xi rushes out in a temper without having brought the hairpin she likes and then coquettishly blames Feng Cheng Jun for not buying it for her. He teasingly says that "Ben-di" is much more reasonable, but she says seriously that she isn't Wen Bin, but Xue Wen Xi and that she wants his heart. He tells her she has it (but also teasingly asks if she is always going to be so unreasonable and talkative?) She asks what if I am? He says, well, I will just have to put up with it for life. (🐼: Right answer, Feng Cheng Jun😆).

Back in dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun reminds Xue Wen Xi that she promised him a reward if he did well. (🐼: Well, he did get the right answer😅) She leans over shyly and kisses him on the cheek. (🐼: And it's officially cuteness overload):

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - kiss

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - after the kiss
Ep 36: Kiss (and cuteness overload)

They laugh and chase each other round dorm room 2. Lei Ze Xin returns to see them clearly in love with each other, and makes our hearts ache for him as he sits on the roof drinking alone, hair pin in hand 💔:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Lei Ze Xin sad
Ep 36: 💔
In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - graduation
Ep 36: Graduation
The Academy celebrate the scholars who have passed the imperial examinations, including the Quartet. It's a heartwarming scene. Lei Ze Xin goes to drink to his master, Teacher Liu, who is so very proud of him. 

Teacher Ding also tells Principal Feng that Master Wang intends to invite him to join the imperial court, which has been his dearest wish for many years. But surprisingly, Principal Feng says he wants to stay at the Academy as it keeps him young and learning. Teacher Ding will himself return to the imperial court and promote the spirit of the Yuanshang Academy in all corners of Yun country.   

Lei Ze Xin drinks alone for a while but Xue Wen Xi joins him. He asks her jokingly whether Feng Cheng Jun is going to follow her around forever after, and she smiles. Lei Ze Xin says that Feng Cheng Jun will make a good official so it would be a pity if he only spends time following "Wen Bin" around, but she says the Emperor is giving Feng Cheng Jun a year to understand the condition of the people and will have other important tasks for him ahead. 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Lei Ze Xin - always your family
Ep 36: I'll always be your family💛

The two become thoughtful and Xue Wen Xi thanks her Senior Brother for caring for her and always protecting her. She's a bit teary eyed as they remember her father and his brother together. 

Lei Ze Xin says that if Feng Cheng Jun ever bullies her, he will stand up for her, because they are family. (🐼:Awwww...)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Quartet drinks
Ep 36: Cheers Quartet!


The Quartet feast and drink together before they part ways. When Xue Win Xi says she will drink less, Feng Cheng Jun drinks in her stead. Hilariously Lei Ze Xin (the one with the highest tolerance for wine) slips up and says, fair enough, girls ought to drink less.😆 Yu Le Xuan laughs and says he can't believe Lei Ze Xin is the first to get drunk. Yu Le Xuan then asks how long the three of them intend to deceive him for, because, to be honest, he has used considerable efforts to help Wen Bin hide her identity for ages. Xue Wen Xi demands to know how they both know. Feng Cheng Jun says perhaps it's best to leave things vague... But abruptly changes his mind when Xue Wen Xi clutches her clothes tighter. But the other two play drunk and refuse to answer. (🐼:Correct response😆)  

One year later...

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - the real Wen Bin
Ep 36: The real Wen Bin

The actual Wen Bin, Xue Wen Xi's brother, is now an official. Master Wang and Teacher Ding visit him. Master Wang remarks to Teacher Ding with a twinkle in his eye that "Wen Bin" has grown taller and now has a deeper voice. Turns out he knew all along that Xue Wen Xi was a girl and he laughingly tells Teacher Ding that there are some matters that he need not report too closely to him about and that he is glad that Mr Xue's two children have found their place in the world. 

Feng Cheng Jun is now Governor, and Xue Wen Xi has her own identity back.  They visit the opening of the Girl's Yuanshang Academy, run by bookstore owner Mr Chao and Miss Han. He freaks out when he realises that Xue Wen Xi is "Wen Bin" but not the real Wen Bin. Miss Han is also let in on the secret (🐼:are there stars in her eyes when she sees the real Wen Bin?) She thanks Xue Wen Xi for her pioneering work for female scholarship in setting up the Girl's Academy. 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - BFF
Ep 36: BFF adventures

Elsewhere our favourite best buddies duo Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan roam the lands of Yun on horseback as officials.  

Lei Ze Xin wonders aloud what the other two are up to now? 

Wedding bells, that's what. The story draws to a close as Xue Wen Xi marries her Feng-ge. Happily ever after!💕 

 In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Xue Wen Xi as bride

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - Feng Cheng Jun as groom

 In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - the happy bride and groom

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - the happy bride and groom

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - the happy bride and groom

In a Class of Her Own - episode 36 - the happy bride and groom


🐼: And it's a wrap! What a cute last episode. I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to our Yuanshang Quartet. Check out my final review here 👉 Final Review💛

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