Final Review - Be my Cat (2021)

Final review/rating: Be my Cat (2021) - Fluffy, short, Cat-centric romcom
Be my Cat (2021) - final review

This is 6/10 stars ✮✮✮ from Pandafan🐼

Overall rating:         6 Stars

Plot:                       5.5 Stars

Acting/cast:            6.5 Stars

Couple chemistry:   7 stars

Music:                    6 Stars

Re-watch value:      5 Stars

Enjoyment factor:   7 Stars

There's nothing to write home about in terms of plot or acting with Be my Cat (2021), but this short 16 episode cat-centric fantasy romcom is a nice way to unwind if you need a break from more serious angsty dramas. 

I think you have to be in the mood for light fluffy nonsense to enjoy Be my Cat.  There's plot holes and inconsistencies aplenty and no real attempt to tell a coherent story.  But cat lovers (and those with a sense of the ridiculous) may warm to this one.  It's one of those a dime a dozen, low budget, fluffy and short fantasy romance dramas with tropes a plenty.  


Hilarious Cat Prince

Xiao Kai Zhong as the Cat Prince

First off, big kudos to the Cat Prince played by Xiao Kai Zhong for bringing the cat to this Drama!  Most of the funniest scenes belong to the Cat Prince, Mo Xiu Ren, who is an absolute scene stealer.  
From his obsession with feathers, fur, and marbles, to his narcistic appreciation of his own good looks, to the what-the-heck-am-I-watching cat dance complete with excessive bum waggle that he performs after losing a bet with Peppermint...😂  

Then there is the brutally honest dialogue which I'm sure cats would actually say to humans if they spoke our lingo (eg in episode 12 when he tells Peppermint - "You're ugly when you cry.") Classic.😆

Be my Cat (2021) - final review
Cute OTP chemistry

Cute as a button Peppermint 

We also have cuteness overload with our female lead Su Xiao He/Peppermint played by the cute-as-a-button Tian Xie Wei. Her sense of mischief is really endearing and she's not above transforming the Cat Prince into his cat form when it suits her.  

She's rather adorable.  Which all makes for some rather cute OTP chemistry.  

Flaws? Final thoughts:

🐼: Well, whose counting flaws anyway?  There's the usual secondary character tropes (younger brother of hero who also falls for the heroine; bodyguard of the hero falling for a princess who likes the hero, evil villain who wants power etc etc), all of whom are quite two dimensional.  

If you make it to the end of episode 16 and the inevitably sweet happily-ever-after, you probably won't mind the gaping plot holes and inconsistencies, somewhat crappy fight scenes, low budget costumes and rather forgettable angst before the happy ending. 

6/10 stars ✮✮✮ 

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