Final review: A Love so Romantic (2020)

Final review/rating: A Love so Romantic (2020) - An enjoyable, laugh out loud funny first part followed by last third cliché

A Love so Romantic (2020)

This is 7/10 stars ✮✮✮ from Pandafan🐼

Overall rating:         7 Stars

Plot:                       5 Stars

Acting/cast:            7 Stars

Couple chemistry:   7 stars

Music:                    7 Stars

Re-watch value:      7 Stars

Enjoyment factor:   7.5 Stars

This was fun to watch! Light hearted romcom, that doesn't take itself too seriously.  After a very promising first 20 or so episodes, the drama unfortunately descends into drama land cliché, but all in all, still a very enjoyable watch😊


A Love so Romantic (2020)
Super cute and hilarious OTP

Hilarious OTP chemistry and all round great comedy

When the meet cute consists of the heroine accidentally kicking the hero in the balls and puking all over him, you know you are in good slapstick comedy hands.😂

The first two thirds of A Love so Romantic is deliciously hilarious.  Absolutely loved it.  Really put the "com" in "romcom".  The two leads have great chemistry, playing up the comedy and are both unafraid to ham things up for laughs.  They also defy the laws of gravity to give us cute scenes (eg. when they "fly" down from a high building to escape from bandits by twirling gracefully together under a parasol - the last time I checked, those things don't work like parachutes 😅)

A Love so Romantic (2020)
Falling afoul of the "Young Master Gu appreciation fan club"
Yang Zhi Wen is super cute and very funny as Su Xiao Wan, the intrepid heroine of the piece - so full of hijinks and with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 

She drives the hero, Gu Yan Xi (played by Ye Sheng Jia) up the wall by somehow managing to dirty his robes all the time and has the chutzpah to name a pet pig after him and then give him said piglet as a gift.  She also gets on the wrong side (at least initially) of the "Young Master Gu appreciation fan club" run by the other maids of the manor. But not long after, Su Xiao Wan becomes the most popular person in the manor due to her skill at drawing anime cartoon pics of the hero (and makes an absolute killing selling these at exorbitant prices to all the other lovestruck maids).  

A Love so Romantic (2020)
Escaping the manor in pink
Some of Su Xiao Wan's malapropisms also had me laughing out loud.  Case in point, while trying to say 沒齒難忘 (this being a Chinese idiom meaning undying gratitude, literally "even if one's teeth have gone, hard to forget")  she instead says 齒難忘 (literally, "Selling teeth, hard to forget", as in she is so grateful, she will sell all her teeth to repay the favour). It's very funny in Chinese 😅  And then there is that scene where she sneaks the second master (and 2nd male lead) Gu Zi Qian out of the manor as a maid, in baby pink, and with much swishing of hips, so that he can attend a football match😆

A Love so Romantic (2020)
Cute side couple: Cheng Qian Yu +Dr Ru

The comedy extends to the side characters, Dr Ru (played by Lui Run Nan) who has a one sided crush on Cheng Qian Yu (played by Esther Yu) who in turn has a decidedly unrequited love for Gu Yan Xi.  

The good Doctor has a very active imagination - I nearly busted a rib laughing in episode 20 when there is an entire full on dance sequence after Dr Ru rescues Cheng Qian Yu from bad guys...which takes place entirely in his imagination😆

I should also add that the second male lead, Gu Zi Qian (played by Koss Zhao) is really adorable as well... I mean a guy who recreates a meteor shower for you using fireflies? That's some serious competition for the main male lead, right there😅 

Descent into drama land cliche ...

Unfortunately, the last third of the drama looses its mojo, after Gu Yan Xi and Su Xiao Wan declare their feelings for each other, no doubt because the script writers thought they needed to provide some angst and tension. We then get the plot twist of Su Xiao Wan convincing Gu Yan Xi that he needs to marry Cheng Qian Yu (in name only and to save her from having to marry a horrible playboy noble, and with the express intent of divorce at some later date when the danger has passed).  Only, Gu Yan Xi is hurt while saving Su Xiao Wan and cliché of drama land clichés, he loses his memories and forgets Su Xiao Wan and the not-quite-a-villainess-but-hopelessly-besotted Cheng Qian Yu tries to make the marriage real, egged on by an evil nanny.  And Su Xiao Wan is driven away from the manor due to misunderstandings etc etc. 

Happily ever after

A Love so Romantic (2020)
Happily ever after 💕
But fear not...  Memories are regained, misunderstandings cleared up, and we get our happily ever after (after some much needed groveling from Gu Yan Xi).  

Dr Ru and Cheng Qian Yu also marry after the latter discovers her true feelings are for the doctor.  And there's even a hint of a happily ever after for Gu Zi Qian

There's also an adorable epilogue where we get to meet Gu Yan Xi and Su Xiao Wan's daughter, who shares her mother's impish charm and talent for anime cartoon drawing.  And together, along with piglets (two, three?) they lived happily ever after 😊   

Final verdict 

🐼: A Love so Romantic is hilariously funny for the most part and offers a fluffy, feel good, vibe.  The plot is simple and the cliché is predictable, but it's a fun watch. 

7/10 stars ✮✮✮

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