Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review

Final review/rating: Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Frothy romcom that is watchable if a little bland

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review

This is 6/10 stars ✮✮✮ from Pandafan🐼

Overall rating:         6 Stars

Plot:                       6 Stars

Acting/cast:            7 Stars

Couple chemistry:   7 stars

Music:                    6 Stars

Re-watch value:      6 Stars

Enjoyment factor:   7 Stars

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) is a romcom typical of the genre - delivering cheap and cheerful clichés galore with a sprinkling of angst.  

It's nothing to write home about, but then again, when episode 1 has a handsome immortal literally falling out of the skies in a 'meet cute' moment with the heroine, complete with floating rose petals, you may find yourself watching in spite of yourself (or because you are looking for light frothy romcom).  


Cliches galore 

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review
Xiao Ya and Chu Ye 💕

This is standard romcom fare (for a spoiler free synopsis check out mine here). Handsome immortal guy meets gorgeous mortal girl, and they are fated to be together from the start.  

Throw in a childhood rescue trope, enemies to lovers trope, rival for affection 2ML who is friend zoned trope, awful-wannabe-other-woman trope, and angst and separation resolved with a happily-ever-after trope - and voila, you have a cookie cutter romcom in Ms Cupid in Love

It's watchable but a little bland and would probably have been better as a shorter series (eg 16 episodes).   

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review
Not much of a triangle
I rather like the heroine Tian Xie Wei's Xiao Ya, having previously seen her in Be my Cat. She is cute as a button, though she is rather shrill in the first few episodes, which may put off some viewers.  She settles into the role though, and gives us a bubbly and likeable female lead. However, the script does not give Tian Xie Wei much scope to work with, and Xiao Ya is written as a rather immature and somewhat petty character, given to petty jealousy, silly misunderstandings, and some understandable insecurities given that she is being romanced by an immortal and she is a mortal.  

The chemistry between Tian Xie Wei's Xiao Ya and Cao Yu Chen's Chu Ye is cute, but rather so-so, in that it is neither sizzling or memorably sweet.  They are a watchable and good-looking couple though, if you are looking for light fluffy romcom.  

Lovable side characters 

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review
Ah Jing and Li Fu
There were also lovable side character, in the main couple's respective best friends, the flighty immortal Li Fu and the tomboy constable Ah Jing, who also provide romance and comedy in that it is the fearless Ah Jing who does all the chasing and runs rings around the hapless Li Fu

Because of the close friendship between the main couple and the secondary couple, there is a pleasant squad goals camaraderie, and double date fun.  

Ms Cupid in Love (2022) - Final Review
Firmly friend zoned Yun Chuan
I found the second male lead Ciao Yu Ling's Xu Yun Chuan rather forgettable though - he has no chance right from the beginning with Xiao Ya (or the audience for the matter) as she can't think of him as anything other than the "fatty" that she use to give sweets to as a kid, and throughout he is firmly friend zoned. I mean, when your best character trait according to the heroine is that you are filthy rich and not afraid to be a big spender, the odds of winning her affection are not high😅

As to other characters, I wish the drama had given us more of Xiao Ya's Gran, who definitely approved of Chu Ye, and came up with some hilarious and cryptic one-liners, and a bit more from Xiao Ya's comical hiccupping and greedy-but-with-a-heart-of-gold Dad. 

Final thoughts   

🐼: Ms Cupid in Love ends rather abruptly with a happy ending which poses more questions than it answers.  The blanks get filled up by three extra short episodes which show us vignettes from the two main couples' married lives, so remember to look out for those.  

Overall, Ms Cupid in Love is watchable if a little bland, with clichés galore and cute side characters, served up in a cheap and cheerful romcom.  

6/10 stars ✮✮✮

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