A translation of "One Love as Always" - subtheme song from The Long Ballad (2021)

A translation of one of The Long Ballad's subtheme songs: "One Love as Always一愛如故The Long Ballad - "One Love as Always" 一愛如故 The Long Ballad - "One Love as Always" 一愛如故 English translation of lyrics

Those who have watched The Long Ballad (2021) may, like me, have fallen for the Haoyan CP - the second lead couple, Imperial guard Hao Du, played by Liu Yu Ning and Princess Li Le Yan, played by Zhao Lu Si. The slow burn romance between the (not so) cold-blooded big bad wolf and the innocent fluffy bunny is unabashedly romantic.    

I've written about why I love them so much in my final review 👉here, but I love their romantic subtheme song so much that I wanted to try and provide a translation of "One Love as Always" 一愛如故, which remains a regular on my playlist.  You can find a clip of the song here

The Long Ballad - "One Love as Always" 一愛如故 English translation of lyricsThe song is sung by Liu Yu Ning himself (Prince of Chinese OSTs!), which makes it even more romantic, encapsulating as it does, Hao Du's perspective - a yearning, hopeless and selfless devotion.  

The song's Chinese title 一愛如故 is a play on words, the literal translation means "One Love as Always" or "One Love as in the Past", but it evokes another Chinese idiom 如故, which describes friendship at first sight, that is, familiarity on sight, as if you have known one another for ages (as of old/as always).  In changing "sight" to "love"愛, the meaning of the title evokes love at fist sight. Rather Shakespearian really - "Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?"      

Anyway, my attempt at translation below.  I have opted mostly to translate for meaning, rather than a direct literal translation (so, for eg. 'One Love as Always" 一愛如故 in the lyrics is translated as "Love at first sight").  There are also some brief footnotes for when I want to explain gaps in translation.  

All errors my own, of course!💕

The Long Ballad - "One Love as Always" 一愛如故 English translation of lyrics一愛如故

“One Love, as always”

Lyrics: 张畅  

Composer: 金大洲

Singer: Liu Yu Ning 劉宇寧



Destiny is too obdurate


So let me choose instead to be alone.


Using all my strength to give my all,


In return I receive the unforgettable.    


How much love and graciousness is needed,


To be able to have no second thoughts?

心粉身碎骨 也不能虛度

Be it heartbreak, broken body, or bones, I cannot gamble in vain. 




Love at first sight,


Using my entire life


To enter into it headlong,


Asking what is love?


Inescapable from the world’s confines. 


Unafraid to be exiled to loneliness,


To fly in the skies,

只要 你能 夠幸[4]

So long as you can be truly happy.



The human heart is too covetous,


Long since incapable of redemption.   


Using all my strength to meet the challenge 


Thus unafraid of the impossible path ahead.


How much love and graciousness is needed,


To be able to have no second thoughts?

心粉身碎骨 也不能虛度

Be it heartbreak, broken body, or bones, I cannot gamble in vain. 



Love at first sight,


Using my entire life,


To enter into it headlong,


Asking what is love?


Inescapable from the world’s confines.


Unafraid to be exiled to loneliness,


To fly in the skies,

只要 你能 夠幸

So long as you can be truly happy.


[1]命運 means fate/destiny.

[2] 銘心刻骨 literally means to engraved on the heart and imprinted on the bones.  That is – something (or someone) that is completely unforgettable. 

[3] 風度 is hard to translate – it means a certain suave, graciousness or elegance of manner.  A similar concept is gentlemanliness. 

[4]  translates to “happy”, but the Chinese phrase is made up of two characters that mean ‘good fortune/luck’ 幸 and ‘blessings / blessed’  – so 福 means happiness that consists of both.  This phrase is often used to wish a new couple happy or to describe happiness.  

The Long Ballad - "One Love as Always" 一愛如故 English translation of lyrics 

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