My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review

Final review/rating: My Sassy Princess (2022) - A rapturously romantic feel-good romcom with sass and swoon-worthy chemistry

My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review

This is 8/10 stars ✮✮✮ from Pandafan🐼

Overall rating:         8 Stars

Plot:                       7 Stars

Acting/cast:            8 Stars

Couple chemistry:   9 stars

Music:                    9 Stars

Re-watch value:      8 Stars

Enjoyment factor:   9 Stars

My Sassy Princess 
(2022) is romance with a capital R, with gorgeous and talented 
leads in Yuan Bing Yan and Zheng Ye Cheng, whose chemistry light up the screen. 

This is an eye-candy filled romcom that will tug at your heartstrings while making you laugh out loud as you watch a sassy flirt chase down her man. Sometimes you will be cringing with second-hand embarrassment, but that's all part of the fun.  There is also sufficient angst to make you root for the couple and their happy ending. 

At only 22 episodes long, this is short, satisfying, and very very sweet 💕


Rapturously romantic

For a spoiler-free review, see my synopsis 👉here, but it's like 
My Sassy Princess (2022) distilled every feel-good element of the romcom genre and decided to provided it in one sweet package...

Case in point:

  • Gorgeous heroine with a backbone and a past? Check ✅
My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review
Yuan Bing Yan as Liu Ling

Yuan Bing Yan is very pretty here as Princess Liu Ling, and more importantly, she brings so much sass! She does not take 💩 from anyone.  Being infamous as the most evil lady in Jiang province might cramp most people's style, but for Liu Ling that just means she has licence to misbehave 😆

Let's just put it this way - 'Lady Evil" has no need to be shy and demure when she has her eyes set on Imperial Guard Shen Yan, aka "Cold-faced Hades" and she is not above using every flirtatious shameless trick and then some to get her man. Yuan Bing Yan nails the role, with her kittenish, cat-who-got-the-cream grin.  Underneath the sass and bravado, she also manages to convey the vulnerability of a young woman who has had a traumatic childhood and who is both eager to love and commitment phobic.     

  • Handsome hero in uniform? Check (make that at least two checks, 
    My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review
    Shen Yan played by Zheng Yi Cheng
given our male lead Shen Yan, played by Zheng Yi Cheng and his brother Shen Yu, played by Merxat, both wear the imperial guard uniform😆).  I have a soft spot for Zheng Yi Cheng and his speaking eyes and this is the second time I've seen him play a swoon-worthy general (see The Sleepless Princess (2020) if you want another example, and my review on that drama 👉here). 

He does not disappoint in My Sassy Princess (2022) either! When he thaws he can more than match Liu Ling in the flirtation stakes, and the way he is outwardly proper, but with a deliciously mischievous sense of humour - it is icing on a very delicious cake😆. And did I mention that the man can move?  Zheng Yi Cheng's martial arts background is evident because the fighting scenes are on point. 

    My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review
  • Cute pet? Check ✅ 
Meet the cutest pig in Chinese historical dramaland, Shen Yan Jnr 😆🐷

  • Wonderful second couple? Check ✅ 
My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final Review
Xu Shi Jen and Shen Yu
The second couple Shen Yu (played by Merxat), and Xu Shi Jen (played by Zhang Yue) are also a wonderful pairing, and just so perfect for each other.  

I loved how these two were the intelligent pair, proffering counsel and aid to the main leads and generally forming a close knit quartet, which was a joy to watch.  

I also adored Zhang Yue's Xu Shi Jin - clever, beautiful and loyal - honestly the best friend a girl could have.  The close friendship between Xu Shi Jin and Liu Ling = #friendshipgoals.   

  • Romantic OST? Check ✅ 
My Sassy Princess (2022) - Final ReviewThe soundtrack is breathtakingly romantic, from Liu Yu Ning's opening theme  ("With You") to Zhou Shen's 卿卿 ("Darling You"), which soars in a effortlessly lyrical chorus in a way that only Zhou Shen can achieve.  Loved the music in this drama so much, I never skipped the intro or outro🎜  

Final thoughts 

🐼: My Sassy Princess (2022) is heartfelt romcom at its best, and it almost goes without saying that there is a very happy ending for our leads.  If you ever need a pick me up sweep-me-off-my-feet romance, this is it. 

There is just enough angst to make you appreciate the joy of reunion, enough comedy to have you laugh-out-loud, and enough swoon-worthy romance to make you want to run and hug the nearest pole in delight (like the heroine does in one memorable and rather hilarious instance - yes, Zheng Yi Cheng does tend to have that effect on people😆). 

Any other editing or plot flaws fall by the way side in light of how enjoyable this drama is. 22 episodes flew by!

A solid 8/10 stars ✮✮✮

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