Romance of a Twin Flower (2023) - Synopsis

Romance of a Twin Flower (2023) synopsis

Drama info:

Title:  Romance of a Twin Flower 
Chinese title:  春闺梦里人 (Eng translation: "Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir") 
Episodes: 38
Genre: Romance, comedy, historical
Original network:  Tencent
Release date:        21 March 2023
Airing schedule:    21 March 2023 - 20 April 2023


Nie Sang Yu is infamous for her wickedness and cruelty.  She is married to Ning Yu Xuan, a high ranking minister in the imperial court and the most handsome man in the capital.  But their in name only marriage is far from being a happy one as Nie Sang Yu's one sided infatuation is not returned.  

While being pursued for her involvement in the stabbing of her rival, Nie Sang Yu falls from a cliff.

Days later, Ning Yu Xuan finds his 'wife'.  But when she regains consciousness, Nie Sang Yu has lost all her memories, and her personality is entirely different.  Cheerful, kind, and with remarkable business acumen, the new Nie Sang Yu is full of good ideas for establishing a business empire and is determined to divorce Ning Yu Xuan to regain her freedom. Is she even the same person?

As Ning Yu Xuan gets to know the new version of his 'wife', and as she gets to know him, the bickering duo find themselves falling in love.   

Matters get complicated when the secret of 'Nie Sang Yu's true identity is revealed, as well as some other secrets from the past... 

Main cast/characters

Ding Yu Xi (丁禹兮as Ning Yu Xuan 宁钰轩
Peng Xiao Ran (彭小苒) as Ji Man 季曼/ Nie Sang Yu 聂桑榆
Yi Da Qian (易大千) as Yuan Lang 袁朗


First thoughts:

🐼: It's been a while since Ding Yu Xi has graced our screens with a historical drama so Romance of a Twin Flower (2023) was on my radar to watch!  So far, I am enjoying the romcom chemistry/bickering between Peng Xiao Ran and Ding Yu Xi💕

Given the title of the drama, it's not too much of a spoiler to say that twins are involved in this switched identities scenario. 

See my final review 👉here

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