Royal Rumours (2023) - Synopsis

Royal Rumours (2023) Synopsis

Drama info:

Title:  Royal Rumours
Chinese title:  花琉璃轶闻 (Eng translation: "Hua Liu Li anecdotes")
Genre: Romance, comedy, palace, historical
Original network:  Tencent
Release date:        15 March 2023
Airing schedule:    15 March 2023 - 1 April 2023


The kingdom of Jin owes much to the loyalty and military prowess of the Hua clan, whose armies have won numerous decisive victories, including that over the rival kingdom of Jin Po.

But the hearts of men are fickle, and the civil officials of the imperial court begin to make trouble for fear of the military might of the Hua family. Bowing to this pressure, the Emperor bestows the title of County Princess on the young daughter of the Hua family, Hua Lu Li, and summons her to the capital, ostensibly to enjoy the capital's prosperity. The reality, of course, is that Hua Lu Li is a hostage in all but name. 

To allay everyone's concerns, Hua Lu Li presents herself as a physically frail beauty - one that even the wind can blow over. Few see past her façade, but when Hua Lu Li matches wits with Crown Prince Ji Yuan Su, he discovers that she is more then she seems.  Eventually, both come to realise that they have meet their match💕  

But conspiracies that endanger the very foundations of the Jin kingdom are afoot, and it will take all of the wits and courage of Hua Lu Li and Ji Yuan Su to uncover these and to bring peace to the realm.  

Main cast/characters

Meng Zi Yi (孟子义) as Hua Lu Li 花琉璃
Xu Zheng Xi /Jeremy Tsui (徐正溪as Crown Prince Ji Yuan Su 姬元溯
Su Meng Yun (苏梦芸as Tian Jia Min 田嘉敏
Li Fei (李菲as Yun Han 云寒
Zhu Yuan Bing (朱元冰) as He Yuan Ting 贺远亭


First thoughts:

🐼:  Royal Rumours (2023) is pretty funny! Meng Zi Yi's is nailing the deviously adorable "frail" beauty role, and to date, her Hua Lu Li easily runs rings around everybody in sight, including Xu Zheng Xi's bemused Crown Prince Ji Yuan Su.  

See my final review 👉here  

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