One and Only (2021) - Synopsis

One and Only (2021) synopsis, 周生如故, Chinese Historical Drama Corner, chdramacorner, Pandafan

Drama info:

Title:  One and Only
Chinese title:  周生如故 (Translation: "Zhou Sheng as of old")
Episodes:  24
Genre: Historical, romance, palace, tragedy 
Original network: iQiyi 
Release date:      10 August 2021
Airing schedule:  10 August 2021 - 27 August 2021


Prince of Nang ChenZhou Sheng Chen is an undefeated general, loyal to king and country, and famed for his inner and outer beauty.  He faithfully guards the borders at the western frontier to protect the people, far from the seat of power and its political intrigues.  However, as the younger brother to the former Emperor and uncle to to the current one, and with the love and respect of the people and a formidable army at his command, he is seen as a threat to the royal house of Liu.  

To still the mouths of those who see him as a threat, he vows to spend his lifetime guarding the borders and to never marry or have children.  

Fate brings Cui Shi Yi, the daughter of an esteemed family, into Zhou Sheng Chen's life and he becomes her shifu and she his 11th disciple. Gradually, Shi Yi's respect and admiration for her shifu blossoms into something more - a forbidden love that is reciprocated by Zhou Sheng Chen, but cannot be expressed.

As imperial power struggles threaten the peace of the realm, both Zhou Sheng Chen and Shi Yi find themselves in peril...  

Main cast/characters:

Allen Ren / Ren Jia Lun (任嘉伦) as Prince Zhou Sheng Chen 周生辰 aka 小南辰王
Bai Lu (白鹿as Cui Shi Yi 漼時宜/ Eleven 十一
Wang Xing Yu (王星越) as Crown Prince Liu Zi Xing 劉子行
Yao Yi Chen (姚奕辰) as Cui Feng 漼風
Han Cheng Yu (韓承羽) as Huan Yu 桓愈


First thoughts:

🐼: I know this technically counts as a spoiler, but an important PSA is that this is tragedy - star-crossed lovers in a beautifully poignant tale of sacrifice and woe.  The cast is amazing, led by Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu. Get your tissues ready - this one will break your heart 💔😭

👉 Final review to follow <👀watch this space>.  

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