August 2020

Episode 34 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 34 recap

In which the Academy rise up to take down Lord Han and the heroine turns herself in

Commander Lei watches, worried, as Feng Cheng Jun is taken away... At the Han manor, Miss Han pleads with Lord Han to see reason and not to use his office to pursue petty personal vengeance, but he slaps her for speaking up for Feng Cheng Jun. (🐼:Not a nice man that one😠).  

In dorm room 2, Xue Wen Xi is distraught and wants to rush to Feng Cheng Jun's rescue, but Yu Le Xuan reminds her to keep the big picture in mind. He says that Feng Cheng Jun's background will protect him - they will need more evidence to pin anything on him - and that he must have confessed to protect someone. (🐼:Looking at you, girlfriend). And Xue Wen Xi realises that Feng Cheng Jun must have found out that she's a girl. 


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Episode 33 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 33 recap

In which three in black roam the City and the Quartet face peril

In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 33: Watching over "Bin-de"

In dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun watches over Xue Wen Xi as she sleeps. When she wakes, he asks if she can remember what he said earlier about having explained things with Miss Han. She says, no, then asks why he has done so. 
Feng Cheng Jun replies, "because I love someone else. Actually, you know her too..."
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun flirts
Ep 33: "You really care about who I love, huh?"

Xue Wen Xi asks who "she" is. Feng Cheng Jun playfully asks why she cares so much who he likes. She angrily tells him he is a fickle so-and-so. He is super amused, saying she is right to reprimand him. (🐼: Cheeky).  


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Episode 32 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 32 recap

In which Han Sheng Zhi finds redemption and a Competition reveals the past

In a Class of Her Own - episode 32 - Yu Le Xuan
Ep 32: Yu Le Xuan offers friendship and advice

Han Sheng Zhi is suspicious but also touched that the scholars have come to his aid. He asks Yu Le Xuan if he hates him. But Yu Le Xuan smiles and says that actually there are things to admire about Han Sheng Zhi too. He says he hopes Han Sheng Zhi can become a fair and just Student Council President, leaving the latter pensive.  

Lei Ze Xin tells Yu Le Xuan that Feng Cheng Jun is acting really weird and looking at him is getting on his nerves. Yu Le Xuan laughs, and tells him to look at something else then. (🐼:Haha).


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Episode 31 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 31 recap

In which our hero (finally) finds out the truth

Lei Ze Xin plays it cool, having shed his black clothes. "I'm just here for wine" he says, and saunters off. 

Those red pamphlets are fueling the rumour mill though and Governor Feng is unhappy because they all say that he is the one taking bribes (🐼: remember how that ledger cunningly switched all references from Lord Han to Governor Feng?) Lord Han says to Governor Feng that as they will be family soon he would get to the bottom of the rumours. "And by the way, why hasn't your son come to officially propose to my daughter?" (🐼: Yes, wonder why). Anyway, Lord Han figures that it must be "Wen Bin" behind the red pamphlets and resolves to silence her. 


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Episode 30 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 30 recap

In which our heroine is jealous and our hero is about to make a hideous mistake...

Ep 20: Xue Wen Xi jealous

Feng Cheng Jun solves Miss Han's three riddles - they spell out "Today"; "Specially"; "Thinking of you". (🐼:Hmmm, she couldn't get more obvious). She does seem to be new and improved though - now well read and not as clueless as before and they talk about books as she shyly flirts with him. Feng Cheng Jun is still somewhat wooden but impressed by how much she has changed - he even invites her to attend the Academy's open day, so that she can visit the library. She's thrilled. Xue Wen Xi, who is spying on them, is definitely not. 


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Episode 29 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 29 recap

In which friendship and justice triumph and the hero starts hallucinating again  

Feng Cheng Jun continues the defence, saying that the laws of Yun are wrong to discriminate - Yu Le Xuan is only wrong in trying to hide his origins. How can we wreck his future because of his birth? Xue Wen Xi adds her voice to his, saying that she is also from a poor background but that the Academy opened its doors to her to let her chase her dreams.  She argues that that chance should be given to Yu Le Xuan too. Lei Ze Xin adds that no one can choose their origins, but can choose their destiny and says to Yu Le Xuan that, being who he is, he will always flourish, whatever the circumstances. (🐼:💛) 


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Episode 28 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 28 recap

In which Yu Le Xuan faces his moment of truth and finds the meaning of true friendship

Han Sheng Zhi demands the ledger from Xue Wen Xi, with a mixture of threats and cajoling. She almost hands it over, but Yu Le Xuan arrives to intervene. But a masked man steals the ledger, and when Lei Ze Xin also arrives on the scene, the two fight. Each kick the other in the chest, and the ledger lands at Yu Le Xuan's feet. Lei Ze Xin chases after the masked man.  


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Episode 27 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 27 recap

In which the hero begins to doubt his sanity... 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - lippy awkwardness
Ep 27: A bit of lip rogue  


In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 27: "Pretty, huh".
Feng Cheng Jun stares at Xue Wen Xi, but all he can see is her as a Lady in Red. He is adorably confused, gesturing at some lipstick that she hasn't managed to remove. He's about to help, when Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin join them. The latter wipes it off, while Feng Cheng Jun looks anywhere but at Xue Wen Xi.


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Episode 26 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 26 recap

In which Lei Ze Xin is (hilariously) awkward and overprotective and our hero is stunned by a Lady in Red

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lei Ze Xin awkwardness
Ep 26: Lei Ze Xin - awkward...

It finally clicks! Lei Ze Xin realises that his "junior brother" is a girl... He is (
🐼:adorably) self conscious and, very reluctantly, leans over to do CPR, but thankfully for him, she revives before he has to. (🐼:Hahaha!) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lei Ze Xin awkwardness
Ep 26: No mouth to mouth CPR occurred, I swear

Don't get the wrong idea, he says. "You revived before I needed to do any mouth to mouth resuscitation, as that would have been awkward between us two grown men." 


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Episode 25 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 25 recap

In which the Quartet investigates and Lei Ze Xin makes a discovery

In a Class of Her Own - episode 25 - handsome in official robes
Ep 25: "You think I'm handsome?"😘

Lei Ze Xin wants to beat up Han Sheng Zhi, because they all know he's behind the framing. Yu Le Xuan manages to stop him, but only just. The Quartet get ready to investigate. 

Xue Wen Xi tells her Feng-ge that he looks handsome in the official's uniform. He's quite happy about that and there's a funny scene in which, for once, it's Feng Cheng Jun who loses his balance and needs to be rescued by Xue Wen Xi. (🐼: Ha!). 


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Episode 24 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 24 recap

In which our heroine finds parting to be sweet sorrow and is framed

When Xue Wen Xi answers the door, it's Teacher Ding, He's shocked to see her (expecting Lei Ze Xin) and hints to her that someone else is in the store room. He gives her the keys to Ming Lun Hall instead. Grateful, she ducks out, Lei Ze Xin none the wiser about her true identity. Lei Ze Xin asks Teacher Ding if he was the masked teacher who gave him the mysterious note, but it's not Teacher Ding.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - night chat
Ep 24: Nursery rhymes for Bin-de 💝

In dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi is jealous and suspicious at Feng Cheng Jun's sunny mood. She asks if it's because he is in love. It's not. Feng Cheng Jun was happy because of the nursery rhyme performance - he wants to give a special performance for his Bin-de, to make her happy again. It makes her very happy.😍 


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Episode 23 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 23 recap

In which Team 2 shows class aplenty!

In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Yu Le Xuan
Ep 23: Yu Le Xuan the archer

Yu Le Xuan's arrow strikes true, scoring x9 points, meaning he wins the 2nd round for Team 1. It's still 1 all though.  

In Round 3) it's Lei Ze Xin v Gu Zi Ming.
Gu Zi Ming gets x6 points.  Feng Cheng Jun tells Lei Ze Xin to take it easy, but he takes his mark with characteristic bravado. He's really ill though.  His aim is true, hitting the bullseye dead centre, but there's not enough strength in the shot and the arrow falls to the ground, meaning 0 points to Lei Ze Xin. Round 3 to Team 1.     

In Round 4) it's Lu Zhao Rong v Lin Bing Shen.
Lin Bing Shen just manages to land the target for 5 points, much to Han Zhi Sheng's anger. And Lu Zhao Rong for Team 2 scores 6 points, arthritis notwithstanding, much to general glee 😁 


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Episode 22 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 22 recap

In which Team 2 enter the field! 

The weakest link in Han Sheng Zhi's team, the hapless Lin Bing Shen steps up to take his shots. But terror of failure mean he gets less than perfect scores of 7, 7, and 6 points. 

Meanwhile it looks like all hope is lost for Team 2, but guess who arrives at the 11th hour? Lei Ze Xin! Yu Le Xuan is overjoyed and yells encouragement; Lei Ze Xin gives him a cheeky wink. (🐼:Gotta love these two):
In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Lei Ze Xin winks
Ep 22: Yu Le Xuan: "Add oil!" Lei Ze Xin: 😉


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Episode 21 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 21 recap

In which Lei Ze Xin shows his mettle   

In a Class of Her Own - episode 21 - Han siblings
Ep 21: The Han siblings share a joke

For once, we see a nicer side to Han Sheng Zhi as he and his sister share a few words and jokes. 

The pleasant side to him doesn't last and the weakest link in his team, Lin Bing Shen, who is jealous of Wen Bin's progress is terrified of failing. 

Meanwhile, Xue Wen Xi is worried as Lei Ze Xin is missing the night before the archery contest. 


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Episode 20 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 20 recap

Iwhich our heroine fights to stay and trains in earnest 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - girl power
Ep 20: Girl power!

Xue Wen Xi tells Teacher Ding that she doesn't want to leave and wants to enter the archery contest. He is worried that it could mean exposure and worse.  She asks for a chance to try, for herself and all women, to create a miracle. There's a flashback to Teacher Ding's memories of Xue Ding Kun, similarly idealistic and unwilling to back down. (🐼: Her Father perhaps?) Teacher Ding says that if she wins the archery contest, she can stay - no one would doubt her then. She agrees and he says he will help as much as he can. (🐼:I'm rather fond of Teacher Ding, this is dangerous for him too)


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Episode 19 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 19 recap

In which Teacher Ding finds out the heroine's secret and the upcoming Academy archery contest poses challenges  

All three members of the "Protect Wen Bin Squad" get beaten. It's quite brutal. None of the boys can sit for a very long time.  They all lie on their stomachs feeling sorry for themselves:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - three in pain
Ep 19: The "Protect Wen Bin Squad" feeling the pain 

Hilariously, Yu Le Xuan squeals the loudest. Lei Ze Xin has little patience with this - "Are you asking for death or not wanting to live? I took x30 whacks and you don't hear me squealing about it." Yu Le Xuan gives him a baleful look. "You've a tough hide. I'm delicate." (🐼: ha!😅)


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Episode 18 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 18 recap

In which the heroine and hero wish on a star and the "Protect Wen Bin Squad" report for duty 

Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi spend the night waiting for shooting stars at the top of the island. He teases her when she is eager to wish on the shooting stars ("so like a girl!") She silently makes a wish for the impossible - that she and he can be together. He also makes a wish - he tells her that it's so that all her unfulfilled wishes can come true. (🐼: Awwww 💕).


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Episode 17 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 17 recap

In which the heroine and co hold a surprise birthday party for Yu Le Xuan and Miss Han's plans go awry

In a Class of Her Own - episode 17 - surprise!
Ep 17: "Surprise!"

Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun cook up a storm in preparation for Yu Le Xuan's surprise birthday party and a lovely group of scholars gather at Yu Le Xuan's place to surprise him. It's a great party - great food, great wine, great company. There's also some dance performances from the scholars, specially for Yu Le Xuan.  


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Episode 16 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 16 recap

In which the dorm room 2 boys bicker and Yu Le Xuan makes a discovery

In a Class of Her Own - episode 16 - Lei Ao punches
Ep 16: Not so passive aggression in dorm room 2...

With Han Sheng Zhi's threat over his head, Yu Le Xuan is uncharacteristically gloomy. 

Lei Ze Xin has also taken it rather personally that his junior brother has become "sworn brothers" with Feng Cheng Jun, and makes his displeasure known by practicing martial arts in a passive aggressive way just above Feng Cheng Jun's head. 


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Episode 15 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)


Episode 15 recap

In which the hero and heroine become "sworn brothers" and the villain threatens Yu Le Xuan with a secret

Ep 15: Xue Wen Xi fan-girling: " I really...admire you." 

Lei Ze Xin's father Commander Lei intervenes to stop the guards from capturing him.  Not that he's grateful - Lei Ze Xin just tells him to stop telling everyone that he's his father(🐼:Cold).  Meanwhile in dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi tells Feng Cheng Jun how much he rocked the Policy Forum debate (and how he's basically good at everything, including being good looking). He blushes😊.     


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Episode 14 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 14 recap

In which our heroine stands up to a bully and, alongside the hero, makes the case for progress and change

In a Class of Her Own - ep 14 - Fen-ge and Bin-de
Ep 14: "See?  Feng-ge and I are totally fine!"

Xue Wen Xi tries to reassure her classmates that she and her "Feng-ge" are fine, but they remain a tad suspicious...

She sneaks out of the Academy to visit her Mother (and to provide her with some funds) but when she sneaks back by climbing over the wall, Han Sheng Zhi's cronies are ready and waiting to catch her out.  


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Episode 13 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 13 recap

In which the hero and heroine end up in the most awkward double date ever and love is in the air (though not at the double date)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - don't leave Feng-ge!
Ep 13: "Do join us Mr Wen!" 

Xue Wen Xi sets about trying to get Feng Cheng Jun to agree to that date with Miss Han, but it's a hell no from him. She tells him, however, that Miss Han has pined so much that she is sick, and besides, Xue Wen Xi has already promised that he will go. So Feng Cheng Jun relents.  


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Episode 12 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 12 recap

In which the heroine catches a token of affection from a fair lady 

In a Class of Her Own - ep 12 - Principal Feng
Ep 12: Turns out Principal Feng is a fan!😅

It turns out that there were in fact 
three versions of Volume 5 in dorm 2, one written by each of the roomies.  All's well that ends well as Principal Feng is also an avid reader of novels and loved all three versions. Xue Wen Xi gets off lightly in this round.

Yu Le Xuan tells Xue Wen Xi that the book market has been sluggish lately - to boost sales of Volume 5, he recommends that she get Miss Mu to write the forward.  


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Episode 11 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 11 recap

In which the heroine's dorm 2 roomies (hilariously) vie for changes to her novel 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 11 - Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin
In a Class of Her Own - episode 11 - Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze XinXue Wen Xi (🐼: and her overactive imagination) is busy dreaming up more scenes for her novel "Where Love Begins".  Both her roomies are obsessively interested in how they are portrayed.  Lei Ze Xin even tries to get his hands on copies of Volume 1 and 2 to see how he's depicted in those, much to Yu Le Xuan's amusement.  


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Episode 10 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 10 recap

In which there is tension in dorm 2 and our heroine has to explain some casting choices in her novel 

At the bookstore, Feng Cheng Jun makes it very clear to Miss Han that he is not interested. (🐼:Good on him, I reckon, that lady doesn’t need even a smidgen of false hope). She's devastated. (🐼: But I’m baffled if she’s surprised, because he has never ever given her any reason to hope). 


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Episode 9 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 9 recap

In which our heroine makes a side buck ghost writing love letters to the hero

Feng Cheng Jun won’t teach everyone else the flute, so Xue Wen Xi steps in and does so, to the gratitude of her class mates. She and Lei Ze Xin pass the flute exam and are taken off probation.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 9 - Song Wei Long as Prince
Ep 9: No more mole man, he's now a Prince in white robes

As Xue Wen Xi needs cash for her brother's medicine, she writes vol 4 of "Where Love Begins"...  Somehow Feng Cheng Jun makes it into the novel, this time as a handsome prince in white robes (🐼: And looking mighty fine).  


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Episode 8 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 8 recap

In which our heroine finds the trick to getting Lei Ze Xin to do just about anything and (sort of) masters the flute 

Xue Wen Xi is having zero luck getting her fellow scholars to look kindly on her in the upcoming expulsion or not vote and Lei Ze Xin refuses to play nice.  Yu Le Xuan to the rescue! He counsels playing on Lei Ze Xin’s heartstrings by doing a damsel in distress move. He (🐼:hilariously) demonstrates the efficacy of taking a guy’s arm and swinging it back and forth while pleading cutely for aid). Now you try, he says, and Xue Wen Xi is very very good at it (🐼:haha!😂) So good that the redoubtable Yu Le Xuan is a bit shell shocked:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - Xue Wen Xi and Yu Le Xuan - arm swing
Ep 8: Yu Le Xuan:  "You've really got a knack for this..."😅


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Episode 7 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 7 recap

In which our heroine gets into trouble and realises that she actually doesn't want "Wen Bin" to get expelled

In a Class of Her Own - episode 7 - drawing Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 7: Drawing perfection

Episode 7 begins with Xue Wen Xi practicing her artwork. She is really bad.  Feng Cheng Jun tells her to draw him, using the tree as perspective.  Of course she promptly gets distracted from the drawing by how picture perfect he is (🐼: very understandable, that! 😁)


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Episode 6 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 6 recap

In which two infatuated ladies pursue the hero and heroine and our heroine tries to get expelled 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin
Ep 6: Xue Wen Xi v Lei Ze Xin

In Dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi wakes up from her drunken sleep.  Lei Ze Xin tries to tell her that she shouldn’t associate with Feng Cheng Jun and says he’s a bad sort, like all nobility, but is a hypocrite because he acts "nice".  She thinks he has reneged on the deal and gets annoyed, but Feng Cheng Jun walks in. (🐼: Oops).  


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Episode 5 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 5 recap

In which the heroine gets very drunk and the “Yuanshang Quartet” is formed

Episode 5 starts with Xue Wen Xi in the library, distracted by seeing Feng Cheng Jun deep in study. She’s a bit moonstruck by how swoon worthy he is. He tells her she’s got him worried... that there’s something on his face.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - library scene
Ep 5: Xue Wen Xi ogling admiring Feng Cheng Jun in the library 


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Episode 4 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 4 recap

In which our heroine acquires another hot roommate and starts the path to learning 

Episode 4 begins with the man in black being chased - he enters the Academy and the guards are prevented from searching inside by a feisty old teacher.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 4 - Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi
Ep 4: Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi in suspense

Meanwhile Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun are bunking down for the night. She refuses to let him take off his clothes and insists on keeping the light on. Feng Cheng Jun doesn’t like the smell of his blanket so edges over to share Xue Wen Xi’s. They both freak out when a dark shape looks to enter the dorm room and they pounce on the intruder with the blanket.  Lei Ze Xin aka Lei Ao emerges from the blanket with his famous death glare and his catchphrase - “do you want to die or do you not want to live?” 


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Episode 3 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 3 recap 

In which our heroine stands up to a bully, meets a man in black, and does some rescuing of her own 

Episode 3 begins with Xue Wen Xi trying in vain to convince Feng Cheng Jun that he should go occupy another dorm room instead. He’s unfazed by her claims to sleepwalking violence, and her talk of their mysterious scary other violent roommate, but he modestly saying he too knows some martial arts and can stay to look out for “little brother”.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 3 - smell good scene
Ep 3: Feng Cheng Jun: "You smell good..."


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Episode 2 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 2 recap  

In which our heroine finds herself enrolled in the all male Yuanshang Academy and acquires a hot roommate  

Episode 2 starts with Feng Cheng Jun heading to the bookstore to find the copier (ie. Xue Wen Xi) who promptly flees, fearing retribution for the recent cheating shenanigans at Yuanshang Academy. She bumps into Yu Le Xuanwho we find out is, as well as being a scholar, a successful businessman.  Yu Le Xuan looks way too pleased with himself about it all. 

Meanwhile, the bookkeeper Mr Chao tells Feng Cheng Jun all about "Wen Bin", saying that he is impoverished but principled.  Won't usually help scholars cheat on principle, so must have fallen on particularly bad times recently...


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Episode 1 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 1 recap 

In which our plucky heroine meets the hero and plants him a facer

And we're off! We're told that the Yuanshang Academy in Yunzhou province, in the Land of Yun is very prestigious - the training ground for future officials of Court and the literati.  Of course that means the entrance exams are notoriously difficult.  That doesn't stop young (and old) men from lining up every year to try their hand.  Some comic relief is provided when a rather old man says he's not that old and reckons that this year is his year.  His granddaughter reminds him that he said the same thing last year.  (🐼: Out of the mouth of babes...😆)

In a Class of Her Own - Song Wei Long - episode 1
Ep 1: Feng Cheng Jun 💓

And then we meet the hero Feng Cheng Jun, played by Song Wei Long(🐼: And he is looking mighty fine 😄)


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In a Class of Her Own (2020) - Synopsis

In a Class of Her Own promo picture

Drama info:

Title:  In a Class of Her Own 
Chinese title: 漂亮書生 / 漂亮书生 (Translation: "Beautiful Scholar") 
Episodes:  36   
Genre: Historical, Romcom, Cross-dressing, Youth, School
Original network: iQiyi
Release date:  23 July 2020
Airing schedule:  23 July - 29 August 2020


In a Class of Her Own is a Chinese remake of the popular 2010 South Korean historical drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal. 

The heroine Xue Wen Xi is poor but brilliant.  In an age where women are prohibited from becoming educated or being employed, she dresses as a man and works as a copywriter (and has a successful side hustle as a serial romance novelist) to earn money for her family.  


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The Sleepless Princess (2020) - Synopsis

The Sleepless Princess 2020 - promo picture - 离人心上

Drama info:

Title:  The Sleepless Princess 
Chinese title: 离人心上/人心上 (Translation: "Departing person, beloved")
Episodes:  35 + epilogue 
Genre: Historical, Romcom, Wuxia, Palace, Revenge 
Original network: Mango TV 
Release date:  30 July 2020
Airing schedule:  30 July - 3 September 2020 


The Sleepless Princess is about 9th Princess Xu Chu Yue, who can't sleep at night and the dashing, outwardly aloof General Xue Yao, who is investigating the cause of his older brother's death.  Their two worlds collide when the Emperor decrees their marriage.  

It's not that Xu Chu Yue doesn't want to sleep at night - there is a reason why she can't. 


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