Episode 31 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 31 recap

In which our hero (finally) finds out the truth

Lei Ze Xin plays it cool, having shed his black clothes. "I'm just here for wine" he says, and saunters off. 

Those red pamphlets are fueling the rumour mill though and Governor Feng is unhappy because they all say that he is the one taking bribes (🐼: remember how that ledger cunningly switched all references from Lord Han to Governor Feng?) Lord Han says to Governor Feng that as they will be family soon he would get to the bottom of the rumours. "And by the way, why hasn't your son come to officially propose to my daughter?" (🐼: Yes, wonder why). Anyway, Lord Han figures that it must be "Wen Bin" behind the red pamphlets and resolves to silence her. 

At the Academy, Xue Wen Xi is now all alone and forlorn in dorm room 2. Yu Le Xuan comes to visit and advises that she invite Feng Cheng Jun out for a talk - he might regret his decision and return? He then goes to Feng manor to see Feng Cheng Jun and to set a meeting up for Xue Wen Xi.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 31 - discovery
Ep 31: Eavesdropping...

In a Class of Her Own - episode 31 - discovery
Ep 31: No 💩 Sherlock. 
That night, Xue Wen Xi waits for Feng Cheng Jun. She gives alms to a beggar, who later sees her being abducted (🐼:That was fast work, Lord Han.When Feng Cheng Jun arrives, he doesn't see his "Bin-de". The beggar tells him the young pretty gentleman was abducted and Feng Cheng Jun runs to the rescue. 

He listens at the window to assess the situation, and hears Gu Da Cho (🐼:who also happens to be the creepy money lender of the first episode) threatening Xue Wen Xi, and finally, finally he knows she is a girl. (🐼: It only took you 30 episodes Feng Cheng Jun!)  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 31 - hug
Ep 31: Safe haven 💓

Before Feng Cheng Jun can rush in, a black masked assassin enters and kills Gu Da Cho. Xue Wen Xi is about to be killed too when Feng Cheng Jun rushes out with a stick in hand. The masked assassin pauses... and leaves. In shock, Xue Wen Xi runs into Feng Cheng Jun's arms. At first he's stunned, but then his arms come up to hold her and he hugs her - "It's alright, I'm here now". (🐼: So sweet).
Ep 31: Smiling eyes💗

He walks her back to the Academy, and they talk. She asks if he truly likes Miss Han, and he answers that he admires her... then playfully asks "why do you care?" She doesn't reply directly, but says that she hopes that he is happy forever, and that they can be friends as before. 

He agrees, and says he will return to the Academy soon, but has to sort some matters out before hand. But there will be no secrets between them soon. And his eyes are full of affection...💗

It was, of course, Lord Han who was behind the abduction. The assassin reports he has killed Gu Da Cho but that "Wen Bin" lived, because he was afraid of killing Feng Cheng Jun. Lord Han decides to kill two birds with one stone and blame Gu Da Cho's murder on the mysterious man-in-black distributing the pamphlets. 

Meanwhile, Feng Cheng Jun gets a visit from Miss Han (and embarrassingly mistakes her for Xue Wen Xi because she has dressed in scholars robes) and then gets a visit from the real Xue Wen Xi, who has made him lunch, including a smiley omelet. He pretends to be poisoned to trick her into coming out. (🐼:Sneaky, haha). Guess who is returning to the Academy? (🐼:😆) We also find out that he wrote a letter to his father, explaining that he doesn't want to marry Miss Han and has told her so...

That night, Han Sheng Zhi is drunk on the street and gets into a fight. The scholars see and intervene. He's mumbling about not being a coward and lashes out, but Yu Le Xuan and Xue Wen Xi see him safely back to the Academy. Xue Wen Xi asks Yu Le Xuan to convince the other Student Council members to stop being antagonistic to Han Sheng Zhi, and give him a chance. He smiles and agrees. 

Back in dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun has rearranged the bedding so that Lei Ze Xin is to the side, while he and Xue Wen Xi are side by side. Lei Ze Xin objects. There's a bit of boy bickering (🐼:haha) and Xue Wen Xi plays peacemaker by sleeping to the side:
Ep 31: The new sleeping arrangements. Not what Feng Cheng Jun was envisaging...
When Han Sheng Zhi wakes up at the Academy, he imagines his old friends greeting him. They then come in, led by Yu Le Xuan. He explains that they rescued him from ruffians the night before and that "Wen Bin" was the one who bandaged up his wounds. 


🐼:So Feng Cheng Jun, the adorable idiot, finally finds out that Xue Wen Xi is a girl! I'm ready for some cute fluffy romcom with these two 💕

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