Episode 33 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 33 recap

In which three in black roam the City and the Quartet face peril

In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 33: Watching over "Bin-de"

In dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun watches over Xue Wen Xi as she sleeps. When she wakes, he asks if she can remember what he said earlier about having explained things with Miss Han. She says, no, then asks why he has done so. 
Feng Cheng Jun replies, "because I love someone else. Actually, you know her too..."
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun flirts
Ep 33: "You really care about who I love, huh?"

Xue Wen Xi asks who "she" is. Feng Cheng Jun playfully asks why she cares so much who he likes. She angrily tells him he is a fickle so-and-so. He is super amused, saying she is right to reprimand him. (🐼: Cheeky).  

At the Han manor, Lord and Lady Han find out that Feng Cheng Jun will not be coming to formally propose to Miss Han. 

Lord Han is irate, as he considers it to be a huge loss of face for the Han family. 

Later, the entire City is agog with the news that all the people named as having bribery transactions with Gu Da Cho have been killed. Rumour has it that it was done by the man-in-black who distributed the red pamphlets. Lei Ze Xin listens to the news and realises that the true murderer must want to pin everything down on him.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Lord Han vows vengeance
Ep 33: Lord Han: "I'll be revenged for this humiliation with interest."

Master Wang is appointed as a special envoy to investigate the incidents. He asks the ministers, including Governor Feng and Lord Han to assist with investigations. Outside, Lord Han confronts Governor Feng about Feng Cheng Jun's rejection of his daughter. Governor Feng says that it is for the young people to think through, but surely, it is better to consider carefully now, rather than make a mistake for life? (🐼: Big ups to Governor Feng for standing up for his son's happiness). Lord Han is furious though and says he will not forget this humiliation to the Han family. 

Miss Mu speaks with Mr Qin and tells him that she saw but could not tail the black robed assassin from Lord Han's manor. Elsewhere, Lord Han tells the assassin to kill somebody, promising him that person's role after he succeeds.  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Lei Ze Xin
Ep 33: Lei Ze Xin

Lei Ze Xin investigates. From the rooftops, he sees another person in black. It's Miss Mu. And then another black robed assassin (Lord Han's assassin) comes to kill Commander Gu, who is patrolling the area. He stabs Commander Gu, but Lei Ze Xin shoots an arrow to rescue the fallen commander, thus proving that he isn't the black robed assassin who has been killing people related to the ledger. There's an exciting fight scene and when guards arrive, the assassin runs, Lei Ze Xin hotly in pursuit. The assassin becomes caught between Lei Ze Xin and the black robed and masked Miss Mu. And the woman has some serious, kick ass moves! They wound the assassin together and the assassin flees. But Lord Han is lying in wait for all three, with a group of archers. They open fire and the assassin is killed. Miss Mu is also shot. Lei Ze Xin runs with her, then distracts the guards to give her time to escape. 

Commander Lei arrives, to see Miss Mu surrounded in the forest. He pretends to attack, but allows her to use him as a hostage so that she can flee. In another part of the forest, Lei Ze Xin runs, wounded. A man-in-black grabs him - it's Teacher Liu, his master. "You hide, I'll lure them away". Both Lei Ze Xin and Miss Mu enter the Academy separately, and severely wounded.    

Xue Wen Xi comes across Miss Mu and helps her to safety. Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun come across Lei Ze Xin. They hide him from the guards and carry him back to dorm room 2. Inside Lei Ze Xin's medicine box, Feng Cheng Jun sees the "ten thousand word" book. He asks if Lei Ze Xin is the criminal that the authorities are searching for. Yu Le Xuan tends to Lei Ze Xin's wounds and says that he knew long ago. 

Meanwhile Lord Han storms the Academy with troops. Teacher Liu tries to stop them, but there are too many. They are there to search every nook and cranny for the man-in-black. Inside the Academy, the Teachers protest but to no avail. Xue Wen Xi overhears Lord Han's threats and knows that she won't be able to hide Miss Mu or to get her the required medicine. She runs to fetch Han Sheng Zhi, telling him that Miss Mu is in danger. Han Sheng Zhi tells his father's guards to leave and then takes Miss Mu away from the Academy to safety. 

The guards are everywhere, demanding that scholars be strip searched to prove their innocence. They refuse, saying it is an insult, but the guards resort to violence. Xue Wen Xi sees and runs - she can't be strip searched (🐼:😮!) She flees to dorm room 2 and realises that Lei Ze Xin is the one the guards are after. She tells Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun that the guards are strip searching the scholars... Teachers Li, Ding and Liu stand outside dorm room 2, stopping the guards with some seriously classy kung fu moves. 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 33: "I'm the one you're looking for."

But Feng Cheng Jun says the teachers are in danger. Yu Le Xuan offers to go out and pretend to be the culprit, but Xue Wen Xi reminds him that on the night the red notices were being distributed, it was the Academy initiation ceremony, and he was there all night. She offers to go, but both Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun say no (reminding her of that trip search). Feng Cheng Jun decides to go. He exits, telling the guards that he is who they are looking for, and is captured. 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 33: Feng Cheng Jun captured
Lord Han is extremely gleeful that it's Feng Cheng Jun. Principal Feng says there must be a misunderstanding. But Feng Cheng Jun says it's him and that on the night of the initiation ceremony, he went to Han mansion while distributing the illegal pamphlets. He even offers eye witnesses Lin Bing Shen and Gu Zi Ming. Those two are called before Lord Han and reluctantly say they saw Feng Cheng Jun at Han manor. Principal Feng says this still doesn't prove that Feng Cheng Jun was the culprit. But Lord Han is determined to imprison Feng Cheng Jun - he tells Feng Cheng Jun that it's not because he is holding a grudge about the broken engagement but because Feng Cheng Jun is a criminal (🐼:yeah right, nothing personal my foot!)      
In a Class of Her Own - episode 33 - Feng Cheng Jun v Lord Han
Ep 33: Feng Cheng Jun v Lord Han. Nothing personal? Right...


🐼: An action packed episode! I love that Miss Mu is a kick ass female warrior and how protective the Teachers were. Wonder how the Quartet is going to get out of this mess. Things are looking complicated. 

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