Episode 5 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 5 recap

In which the heroine gets very drunk and the “Yuanshang Quartet” is formed

Episode 5 starts with Xue Wen Xi in the library, distracted by seeing Feng Cheng Jun deep in study. She’s a bit moonstruck by how swoon worthy he is. He tells her she’s got him worried... that there’s something on his face.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - library scene
Ep 5: Xue Wen Xi ogling admiring Feng Cheng Jun in the library 

They get to discussing why her artwork is so bad. She explains it's because she never got the chance to learn - her "sister" became unwell and the family was poor.  Feng Cheng Jun says that they must become good officials and change people's lives for the better, give them opportunities.  In a brave new world, everything should be possible, including females being able to study along with males.  He recalls a Master who had similar vision, some 18 years ago...

Meanwhile, Han Sheng Zhi, who obviously has a massive crush on Miss Mu, is insanely jealous of Xue Wen Xi.  He basically warns "him" off in a super threatening way, but both Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin step in.  Yu Le Xuan also tells Han Sheng Zhi to play it cool.  (🐼:So the "protect Wen Bin Squad" is formed). 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - protect Wen Bin
Ep 5: Han Ze Sheng v "Protect Wen-Bin Squad"

Back in dorm room 2, Lei Ze Xin still wants to kick Feng Cheng Jun out, but Xue Wen Xi plays peacemaker. Yu Le Xuan points out that the duo are a package deal and convinces Lei Ze Xin to let them stay (and then goes off to collect his considerable winnings from the rest of the classmates). 

Hilarity ensues in dorm room 2.  Lei Ze Xin tells Xue Wen Xi to call him "Shi-Xiong" ("Senior Brother") from now on:

In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - call me Senior Brother
Ep 5: "Is it a hardship to call me Senior Brother?" "Nope, not at all"😅
Not to be beaten, Feng Cheng Jun tells her to call him "Feng-ge" ("Older Brother Feng") henceforth, and he will call her "Bin-de" ("Little Brother Bin"). To keep the peace, Xue Wen Xi has to sleep in the middle.  Chest exposure from both hot roommates and a blanket tug of war means that Xue Wen Xi spends a rather sleepless night:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - sleepless
Ep 5: Xue Wen Xi loses sleep as piggy in the middle
In desperation, Xue Wen Xi consults Yu Le Xuan as to how to keep the peace in dorm room 2.  He becomes her Manager for "Where Love Begins" and pays her an advance so that she can buy some potent "True Night" wine (Lei Ze Xin's favourite). 

Xue Wen Xi then offers the wine to Lei Ze Xin - she also asks if he will behave if she will drink at least three sips. It's potent stuff - he can only drink about 4 sips himself. He agrees, telling "him" not to nag like a girl. (🐼: Can I just say that their chemistry is insanely good? 💕): 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - drinking wine - Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin
Ep 5: "Promise?" 
Predictably, she gets very very drunk, much to Lei Ze Xin's affectionate amusement.  She tells him he's a nice guy... if only I had a big brother like you:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - drinking wine - Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin
Ep 5: Xue Wen Xi drinks with her Senior Brother 💛
Some conflict happens when the rather insufferable Han Sheng Zhi shows up to get the obviously drunk Xue Wen Xi in trouble.  The "Protect Wen Bin Squad" all step up when he tries to search the dorm for prohibited alcohol.  She solves the problem by puking all over Han Sheng Zhi (🐼: hahaha, well played👌)

Back in dorm 2, adorably tipsy Xue Wen Xi gathers her two fighting guys' hands and says they are all friends now. Yu Le Xuan leans in and adds his hand to theirs, completing the "Yuanshang quartet":  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 5 - Yuangshang Quartet
Ep 5: And the Yuangshang Quartet is formed!


🐼:This episode was laugh out loud hilarious - worth watching for the blanket tug of war, chest exposure antics and boy bickering alone.😆 2L syndrome is alive and well because Lei Ze Xin and Xue Wen Xi's chemistry is insanely good.  I also enjoyed the formation of what I’m calling the "Wen Bin Protection Squad" - she brings out the protective instinct in them all.  It's very cute.  

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