Episode 30 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 30 recap

In which our heroine is jealous and our hero is about to make a hideous mistake...

Ep 20: Xue Wen Xi jealous

Feng Cheng Jun solves Miss Han's three riddles - they spell out "Today"; "Specially"; "Thinking of you". (🐼:Hmmm, she couldn't get more obvious). She does seem to be new and improved though - now well read and not as clueless as before and they talk about books as she shyly flirts with him. Feng Cheng Jun is still somewhat wooden but impressed by how much she has changed - he even invites her to attend the Academy's open day, so that she can visit the library. She's thrilled. Xue Wen Xi, who is spying on them, is definitely not. 

The awkwardness between Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi continues. Teacher Ding asks her "what's going on with Feng Cheng Jun? Does he know your true identity?" She replies that he doesn't. Teacher Ding tells her that Feng Cheng Jun can't know - it's too dangerous for her and her family. Besides, there's no hope for a happy ending as their backgrounds are too dissimilar - he can't just marry any commoner...💔 

But Xue Wen Xi is determined to fight for her own happiness. She makes Feng Cheng Jun an omelet with a smiley face, though it's Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin who end up eating it.  Both notice that something is wrong between the two. 

Feng Cheng Jun even says he wants to change the sleeping arrangement so that Lei Ze Xin is in the middle on the pretext that "Wen Bin" tosses and turns too much. Lei Ze Xin says "whatever" but Xue Wen Xi is really hurt.😢

Feng Cheng Jun runs off in deep frustration. (🐼: A picture tells a thousand words here):   
Ep 30: Feng Cheng Jun: "ARGHHHhhhhhhh!!!"
Yu Le Xuan has to play agony aunty for Feng Cheng Jun again - poor Feng Cheng Jun can't tell if the problem is himself or "Bin-de", but he just can't get back to normal and he doesn't like hurting her feelings... 

The Academy's Open Day arrives and Miss Han comes. Feng Cheng Jun, almost to prove a point, asks her in for tea and then asks "Bin-de" to help with preparing tea. She is furious and jealous. To add to the drama, Miss Mu also takes the opportunity to visit "Wen Bin".

Ep 30: Disastrous double date #2 - "cheers?"
We then have a repeat of that earlier disastrous double date, in which Feng Cheng Jun tries to get Xue Wen Xi to act normally and she gets increasingly irate, petty, and drunk. 

Miss Han wonders aloud why Wen Bin has such a bad temper, adding to the flames. In the end, everyone including Miss Mu leaves Xue Wen Xi to sulk and she gets completely drunk. 

It's Lei Ze Xin who finds her and piggy backs her home. "I'm a fool" she mumbles. "I'll still like you regardless" he says.(🐼: Awww)
In a Class of Her Own - episode 30 - Lei Ze Xin piggy back
Ep 30: Piggy back from a "senior brother" who's got your back

Ep 30: *Sigh.

He places her gently down to sleep off the alcohol, and is about to put the hair pin in her hair bun, but she sleep talks, calling for Feng Cheng Jun and wondering why he's being so hurtful.

Ep 30: I'm an idiot too...

Looks like we all become fools in love, he thinks. Even me (🐼:💔) 

Meanwhile, Han Sheng Zhi sees his sister and Feng Cheng Jun together. She tells hims she and Feng Cheng Jun like each other and Han Sheng Zhi tells his parents, who start the wheels of an engagement in motion, saying they will talk with Governor Feng... (🐼:Oh💩)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 30 - farewell letter
Ep 30: Writing a farewell

When Feng Cheng Jun returns to dorm room 2, he sees Lei Ze Xin drinking. Lei Ze Xin says he will be leaving for a few days and to stop hurting "Wen Bin." While she sleeps, Feng Cheng Jun writes a farewell note - he is heading home to the Feng manor so that they can both study in peace. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 30 - father and son
Ep 30: "Are you sure about this Son?"

Lord Han approaches Governor Feng regarding a marriage alliance between their families, but Governor Feng says he will get his son's views first. When he speaks to Feng Cheng Jun about it, Feng Cheng Jun listlessly says that Miss Han is smart, much improved and a nice lady. Although his father presses him to give the matter more thought, Feng Cheng Jun says he is fine with the match. (🐼:Oh💩, what is he thinking? Or smoking??) 

At the Academy, Feng Cheng Jun gets ready to leave. In answer to Teacher Ding's question, he confirms that he is going to marry. Xue Wen Xi overhears this, much to her distress. She runs off, and it's Yu Le Xuan acting as agony aunty again, this time to Xue Wen Xi. He sighs and says that if she had acted with her usual generosity of spirit, things would not have descended into madness quite so fast. (🐼: He has a point there, but as Lei Ze Xin pointed out earlier, we're all idiots, when it comes to love).  

Xue Wen Xi returns to dorm room 2 just as Feng Cheng Jun is leaving. When she asks if he will return, he says that he will, but after he is married. She is about to tell him she's not his "brother", but Teacher Ding stops her before she can tell him she's a girl. 

Meanwhile, Lei Ze Xin is at the Lei manor, wiping his brother's ancestral tablet.  Turns out he copied a version of the ledger secretly!  It's red notices everywhere by arrow again, as the black archer rides once more. But there are guards everywhere...


🐼: This episode is so frustrating. I get Xue Wen Xi is jealous but it all escalated really quickly.  And why??? You cant just marry someone because you're confused. Wake up Feng Cheng Jun! Even his father is telling him to think carefully. Also feel bad for Lei Ze Zin, he's so very lovely to Xue Wen Xi whereas Feng Cheng Jun is being an absolute idiot ... 2L syndrome is bad in this one.💔

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