Episode 12 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 12 recap

In which the heroine catches a token of affection from a fair lady 

In a Class of Her Own - ep 12 - Principal Feng
Ep 12: Turns out Principal Feng is a fan!😅

It turns out that there were in fact 
three versions of Volume 5 in dorm 2, one written by each of the roomies.  All's well that ends well as Principal Feng is also an avid reader of novels and loved all three versions. Xue Wen Xi gets off lightly in this round.

Yu Le Xuan tells Xue Wen Xi that the book market has been sluggish lately - to boost sales of Volume 5, he recommends that she get Miss Mu to write the forward.  

Meanwhile Miss Mu is pining for "Wen Bin".  There's only one "guy" that she wants to throw the embroidered ball to during her dance.  Han Sheng Zhi arrives with a gift for her - it's a miniature house.  He says that he remembers how much having a home means to her.  Miss Mu has backbone though, and tells him that she doesn't remember anymore.  The two clearly have some history - we get a flashback to the past when the two are in love, but Lord Han threatened to disown Han Sheng Zhi if he continued the romance, and he duly ended the relationship.  But not without a lot of regret and longing glances. (🐼:Though really, he ought to man up - either defy your father or stop with the mixed messages already). 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 12 - Mu Xiao Man - embroidered ball
In a Class of Her Own - episode 12 - embroidered ball
Ep 12: Awkward...
At the party, both Yu Le Xuan and Han Sheng Zhi are in attendance, as well as many of the scholars.  Miss Mu doesn't want to perform her dance though, because "Wen Bin" hasn't arrived yet. The crowd speculates that no one will dare catch Miss Mu's embroidered ball when she throws it as Han Sheng Zhi has clearly put out "hands off" vibes.  At this point Xue Wen Xi arrives, just in time to instinctively catch a brightly coloured embroidered ball (🐼:!)

She promptly drops it but seeing Miss Mu's obvious distress and wanting to help her save face before the audience, she picks it up again. Han Sheng Zhi is livid. Yu Le Xuan stops him from going after Xue Wen Xi, who tries to gently tell Miss Mu that she does not return her feelings.  Miss Mu still hands "Wen Bin" the forward for Volume 5.  

Meanwhile, Lei Ze Xin is the black robed night archer again - he manages to corner a suspicious man about what happened 18 years ago at Lin Village, but is stabbed.  When he returns to dorm 2, Feng Cheng Jun tries to help him, but is rebuffed.   

In a Class of Her Own - episode 12 - Yu Le Xuan
Ep 12Yu Le Xuan's cat that got the cream smirk
Xue Wen Xi hands Yu Le Xuan the forward as written by Miss Mu, and he looks super amused👉 

She stays at his lodgings to finish writing Volume 5 through the night (🐼: and no doubt to stay away from her distracting roomies).  When she returns to classes literally everyone seems to have heard about "Wen Bin" being the lucky guy to catch the fair Miss Mu's embroidered ball.  They all think "he" has spent the night out with Miss Mu, and surround "him" for details, much to her exasperation:

Ep 12: Ancient Chinese version of the "Tell me more, tell me more" song from Grease? 
Yu Le Xuan helps Lei Ze Xin bind his wounds and the two think that something must be wrong with the Interrogation Room records and that perhaps someone tampered with them so that Lei Ze Xin would fall into the ambush at Lin Village.  Could it be Teacher Li

Elsewhere, Han Sheng Zhi (🐼: the jealous prat) corners Xue Wen Xi and acts ultra threatening, but she stands up to him. (🐼: I approve👍).

At the bookstore, Volume 5 of "Where Love Begins" is a bestseller much to Mr Chao's delight, and Xue Wen Xi personally delivers a copy to Miss Mu to thank her (but also to let her know her feelings are not reciprocated). Yu Le Xuan also takes a copy to Miss Han, as an apology for the earlier love letter fiasco.  She wastes no time in begging him to help set her and Feng Cheng Jun up on a date.  Yu Le Xuan then asks Xue Wen Xi to help - she agrees (🐼:grudgingly).  


🐼: Principal Feng is an unexpected comical delight in this. I feel bad for Xue Wen Xi - there’s no right thing to do once you catch the embroidered ball and poor Miss Mu looked like a kicked puppy when “Wen Bin” dropped the ball. And so happy when she picked it up again. Sigh, what tangled webs we weave...

Looking forward to seeing how Xue Wen Xmanages to get Feng Cheng Jun to go on a date with Miss Han. Suspect trickery will be necessary.

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