Episode 22 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 22 recap

In which Team 2 enter the field! 

The weakest link in Han Sheng Zhi's team, the hapless Lin Bing Shen steps up to take his shots. But terror of failure mean he gets less than perfect scores of 7, 7, and 6 points. 

Meanwhile it looks like all hope is lost for Team 2, but guess who arrives at the 11th hour? Lei Ze Xin! Yu Le Xuan is overjoyed and yells encouragement; Lei Ze Xin gives him a cheeky wink. (🐼:Gotta love these two):
In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Lei Ze Xin winks
Ep 22: Yu Le Xuan: "Add oil!" Lei Ze Xin: 😉

Team 2 enter the field, looking ready to rumble! (🐼: Go Team!!!)
In a Class of Her Won - episode 22 - Team 2
Ep 22: Team 2 is ready to rumble!
Feng Cheng Jun leads the way, using his left arm to score three perfect scores of x10 points, right in the bullseye. Master Wang is impressed when told that Feng Cheng Jun is not in fact left handed.       
In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Lei Ze Xin takes aim
Ep 22: Lei Ze Xin takes aim
Lei Ze Xin is up next. Lord Han and co are all looking on to see if he is in fact the man in black - surely he won't be able to draw a bow and hit the target if he is wounded in the stomach? 

Lei Ze Xin manages to hit the board, but not the target, and his first shoot scores zero points. Much to general surprise and Yu Le Xuan's deep worry. Lord Han observes that there is strength behind the shot even if it's not on target...

Le Ze Xin is struggling, but his second shot scores x9 points.  His father, Commander Lei, looks worried. So does Teacher Ding. Lei Ze Xin does not look well, but smiles at his team. (🐼:It's more of a grimace, but still). 

That third shot is going to hurt. Lei Ze Xin pulls back the bow so hard that it breaks (🐼:!) Commander Gu tries to check his wounds, but Lei Ze Xin prevents him. He takes aim for the third shot... remembers hope and shoots true. Straight in the bullseye for x10 points! Commander Gu says to Lord Han that he may have been mistaken about Lei Ze Xin's identity... 

The third member of Team 2, Lu Zhao Rong, gets 28 points in total. 

The fourth member of Team 2, Wei Zhao Hui, gets full marks - 30 points! 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Xue Wen Xi takes aim
Ep 22: Xue Wen Xi takes aim

If Wen Bin gets a full marks score of 30 points, then Team 2 will go through to the final round. The pressure is on.  She steps up to take her shots. And its bullseye, bullseye, and bullseye! Full marks - x30 points (🐼:You go girl!!!💪) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - hugs
Ep 22: Hugs💛

She runs to her Team, and hugs Lei Ze Xin. Joy abounds as they progress to the Finals. But the Team discover that Lei Ze Xin is not well - he's running a dangerously high fever. He insists on continuing though. Teacher Ding helps him bind his wounds and tells him he needs to look to the future, like Wen Bin and Feng Cheng Jun, and stop being reckless.

Miss Mu arrives, ahead of a performance for the scholars. She says she is here to see Wen Bin and is rooting for Wen Bin, much to Han Sheng Zhi's jealousy.  

And we head to the Finals! But there looks to be trouble ahead as Lin Bing Shen secretly tampers with Xue Wen Xi's bow. The Finals are a test of skill, with moving targets set at impossibly far distances. It's to be one on one, with one arrow each, and the match ups are drawn by lot (and of course it's going to come down to Wen BinHan Sheng Zhi): 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Final round match ups

In Round 1) it's Feng Cheng Jun v Han Sheng Xiong.
Ep 22: Feng Cheng Jun with some left handed skills

Han Sheng Xiong gets 9 points. 

Feng Cheng Jun steps up to the mark. Lei Ze Xin says if Feng Cheng Jun loses, he's going to give him a hiding. (🐼:Haha!) But that won't happen, because Feng Cheng Jun shows how it's done with a perfect bullseye - x10 points! And round 1 goes to Team 2!! 

In Round 2) it's Wei Zhao Hui v Yu Le Xuan.

Wei Zhao Hui scores 8 points.
Yu Le Xuan takes his mark (looking like a Chinese Legolas no less) and lets his arrow fly...
In a Class of Her Own - episode 22 - Yu Le Xuan takes aim
Ep 22: Yu Le Xuan (aka Chinese Legolas?)


🐼: I'm really enjoying this episode! Pacing is fantastic. On the edge of my seat, rooting so much for Team 2!! (And Yu Le Xuan, who I consider an honorary Team 2 member. He looks and shoots like Chinese Legolas 💛)

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