Episode 15 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)


Episode 15 recap

In which the hero and heroine become "sworn brothers" and the villain threatens Yu Le Xuan with a secret

Ep 15: Xue Wen Xi fan-girling: " I really...admire you." 

Lei Ze Xin's father Commander Lei intervenes to stop the guards from capturing him.  Not that he's grateful - Lei Ze Xin just tells him to stop telling everyone that he's his father(🐼:Cold).  Meanwhile in dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi tells Feng Cheng Jun how much he rocked the Policy Forum debate (and how he's basically good at everything, including being good looking). He blushes😊.     

They somehow end up talking about matters of the heart, including his opinion that she should explain to Miss Mu and her opinion that he should explain to Miss Han, that there are no sparks... 

Xue Wen Xi fits in a little intelligence gathering - "What kind of girl do you like Feng-ge?"  "Someone who can go through weal and woe, the good and the bad, with me..." She tells him his standards are rather high and he tells his "Bin-de" that they share that kind of caring:  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 15 - weal and woe scene
Ep 15: Some not so subtle intelligence gathering by Xue Wen Xi (just askin' for a friend)

Han Sheng Zhi also steals a letter from Miss Mu to "Wen Bin" in which she confesses her love but says she is willing to wait till he graduates...
(🐼:Serves him right, the little sneak!You can't just steal other people's letters).

When Lei Zi Xin comes back from his man-in-black investigations, he senses that his dorm roomies are a lot closer than before. He's not the only one to notice.  After a particularly grueling physical training session, in which Feng Cheng Jun helps Xue Wen Xi, the other scholars notice they are a lot closer than before (🐼:d'oh)
Ep 15: Is it just me or are they a lot closer than before?
There is then a rather hilarious scene in which Feng Cheng Jun is spoon feeding Xue Wen Xi because she can't lift her arms after training and Lei Ze Xin sees this and completely freaks out - "what the hell are you doing? I've never seen a grown adult being spoon feed before".  "Well, you'll be seeing it today" says Feng Cheng Jun.  All around them other students are doing the same, having trained too hard at PE lessons.  Lei Ze Xin: "Fine I'll do it, he's my junior brother".😆
In a Class of Her Own - episode 15 - Feng Cheng Jun spoon feeds Xue Wen Xi
In a Class of Her Own - episode 15 - Lei Ze Xin spoon feeds Xue Wen Xi
Ep 15: Being spoon fed (literally) 
In dorm room 2, Lei Ze Xin tries to change the sleeping arrangements so that Xue Wen Xi isn't sleeping next to Feng Cheng Jun.  He tells his "junior brother" to stop associating with Feng Cheng Jun - reporting that the gossip around the Academy is that "Wen Bin" is a hanger on, buttering up to Feng Cheng Jun because "Wen Bin" is a commoner and Feng Cheng Jun is nobility.(🐼:A 180 degree shift from the earlier Feng Cheng Jun is bullying Wen Bin conclusion, but again, equally wrong...)

This really upsets Feng Cheng Jun, who says he considers "Wen Bin" to be his little brother. He takes her by the hand - and declares that the two will officially become sworn brothers before Confucius. Everyone is shocked.  It's a major disruption of the status quo because of Feng Cheng Jun's background status. But because he wants them all to stop slandering his Bin-de, whom he holds in genuine affection, Feng Cheng Jun ask all the scholars to witness the swearing ceremony (🐼:Anyone else getting wedding vibes?😅):
In a Class of Her Own - episode 15 - sworn brothers
Ep 15: Swearing brotherhood(but why does this look like a wedding at which Lei Ze Xin has arrived too late to object?) 
Xue Wen Xi sighs inwardly, "how can I be your sworn brother when I'm a girl?"
Lei Ze Xin arrives in time to see the ending of the ceremony, and looks upset. Yu Le Xuan suggests that he becomes sworn brothers with "Wen Bin" as well but that suggestion is shot down in flames as Lei Ze Xin would never be sworn brothers with Feng Cheng Jun as well. Hell no. (🐼:why this vehemence?) 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 15 - Han Zhe Sheng threatens Yu Le Xuan
Ep 15: Yu Le Xuan being threatened by Han Sheng Zhe. Not cool

Han Sheng Zhi steps up his attempts to rid the Academy of "Wen Bin".  A lot more difficult now that Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun are sworn brothers, so he can not act in the open.  He summons Yu Le Xuan, blackmailing him to do the dirty work. Turns out he has a hold over Yu Le Xuan, who is studying at the Academy under false pretenses - he's not of the nobility and the Academy only allows those of noble birth to attend (with the notable exception of Xue Wen Xi)... 


🐼: Some comical moments in this episode, especially the spoon feeding scene. As I've said, I really got wedding vibes from the sworn brothers ceremony, what with needing witnesses and Lei Ze Xin arriving belatedly, like an ex who arrives too late to object before the vows are finished😅 I'm rooting for Yu Le Xuan to stand up for himself. Can't give way to bullies... 

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