Episode 23 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 23 recap

In which Team 2 shows class aplenty!

In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Yu Le Xuan
Ep 23: Yu Le Xuan the archer

Yu Le Xuan's arrow strikes true, scoring x9 points, meaning he wins the 2nd round for Team 1. It's still 1 all though.  

In Round 3) it's Lei Ze Xin v Gu Zi Ming.
Gu Zi Ming gets x6 points.  Feng Cheng Jun tells Lei Ze Xin to take it easy, but he takes his mark with characteristic bravado. He's really ill though.  His aim is true, hitting the bullseye dead centre, but there's not enough strength in the shot and the arrow falls to the ground, meaning 0 points to Lei Ze Xin. Round 3 to Team 1.     

In Round 4) it's Lu Zhao Rong v Lin Bing Shen.
Lin Bing Shen just manages to land the target for 5 points, much to Han Zhi Sheng's anger. And Lu Zhao Rong for Team 2 scores 6 points, arthritis notwithstanding, much to general glee 😁 

So Team 1 and Team 2 are in a dead heat. In Round 5) it's "Wen Bin" v Han Sheng Zhi. Exciting! Lei Ze Xin tells Xue Wen Xi to teach "that jerk" a lesson on his behalf. She cheekily agrees. 

Han Sheng Zhi steps up to take aim. But Miss Mu decides to distract him by cheering Wen Bin on, and when she is removed from the grounds, Han Sheng Zhi mis-shoots for a score of 6 points. Lord Han is furious. Team 1 is dejected, thinking loss is imminent, but that (🐼:rat) Lin Bing Shen smirks, and says, perhaps not. Yu Le Xuan realises something is up and becomes concerned. 

He's right. When Xue Wen Xi takes up her bow, it slices open her hand. She tries to ignore the pain, but Feng Cheng Jun sees the cut and tells Han Sheng Zhi that he's despicable. (🐼: In fairness, he didn't know about it). Teacher Ding comes over to ask what the problem is. Feng Cheng Jun wants to report the sabotage to Master Wang, but Teacher Ding tells him not to, saying that it will ruin both the future of the other team and the reputation of the Academy. 

Xue Wen Xi insists on continuing, despite the pain. She aims true, remembering Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin's previous words of encouragement and her dreams and aspirations. Her arrow lands straight in the bullseye! 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Xue Wen Xi victorious
Ep 23: Victory for Team 2!
Everyone is super proud of her, including her Mother, who hears the news while waiting at the bookstore, and Teacher Ding, who looks on with approval. He tells her never to lose sight of her dreams and ambitions.  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Mrs Xue
Ep 23: Proud and happy Mrs Xue...
In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Teacher Ding
Ep 23: Proud and happy Teacher Ding
Master Wang congratulates Team 2, tells Wen Bin he is impressed and says to Lei Ze Xin that he has never seen him so tidy in appearance and to keep up the good work. Despite being asked, Xue Wen Xi does not tell Master Wang the real reason she hurt her hand. Everyone gets 100 nobility points and $1,000 prize money. Smiles all round. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Han Zhi Sheng
Ep 23: Han Sheng Zhi in tears

But else where, Lord Han is slapping Han Sheng Zhi in the face repeatedly, for losing (and losing Lord Han face) and for being distracted by Miss Mu. (🐼:I can't believe I feel a bit sorry for Han Sheng Zhi, he looks like a kicked puppy). Lord Han tells his son that he must either acquire the cream of the crop to abide by his will or force them from the Academy. 

Teacher Ding tells Master Wang about how Lei Ze Xin was injured and Master Wang also tasks Teacher Ding to find out Wen Bin's background. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 23: Feng Cheng Jun amused

In dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun tends to Xue Wen Xi's injured hand. She keeps laughing from delight at winning the archery contest, despite the pain, much to Feng Cheng Jun's amusement.
He tells her that her safety is the most important thing but that he's proud of his Bin-de. "You may be scrawny, but you're a real man!" (🐼:Haha, not what she wants to hear)
In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - tending wounds
Ep 23: TLC
Lin Bing Shen confesses that he tampered with the bow and Han Sheng Zhi drives him away. It's an ugly scene.

Meanwhile, Yu Le Xuan comes to invite Team 2 to a feast, Miss Mu's performance having been cancelled by Lord Han. Lei Ze Xin is still away (supposedly recovering from his fever, but he's actually hiding in the storehouse to heal from his wounds). Xue Wen Xi makes an excuse not to go, as she wants to go see Miss Mu. Although Feng Cheng Jun is reluctant to go without her, she and the others persuade him to. 

That night, Xue Wen Xi goes to visit Miss Mu to apologise that she cannot perform for the scholars and for the humiliation of that cancellation. They talk about the importance of respect and equality. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 23: Nursery rhymes with Feng Cheng Jun
At Yu Le Xuan's party, they all drink happily. Feng Cheng Jun is challenged to perform something fun for all to enjoy and he gamely recites nursery rhymes. 

Miss Han then arrives, proposing to play the zither for them - she says she is no longer the impetuous girl she once was. (🐼:Hmmmm). Feng Cheng Jun ends up walking her back home because he has an umbrella and it is raining. Xue Wen Xi sees them on her way back from seeing Miss Mu and is immediately jealous:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 23 - Xue Wen Xi jealous
Ep 23: Xue Wen Xi and the green eyed monster
When she gets back to the Academy, a drunken Lin Bing Shen picks a fight - declaring that he was the one who tampered with her bow and that it's somehow all Wen Bin's fault that he has been kicked to the curb by Han Sheng Zhi.(🐼: the contorted leap of logic here is astounding).The other members of Team 1 intervene to aid her. She tells the weeping Lin Bing Shen that to gain respect from others, he has to respect himself.(🐼:truth). 

Xue Wen Xi heads to the store room and begins to prepare a bath. But Lei Ze Xin is also hiding in the store room - he wonders why Wen Bin is there. A knock sounds at the door...


🐼: So proud of Team 2! And so excited for episode 24 - will Lei Ze Xin (finally) find out Xue Wen Xi's secret? Cliffhanger...

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