Episode 28 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 28 recap

In which Yu Le Xuan faces his moment of truth and finds the meaning of true friendship

Han Sheng Zhi demands the ledger from Xue Wen Xi, with a mixture of threats and cajoling. She almost hands it over, but Yu Le Xuan arrives to intervene. But a masked man steals the ledger, and when Lei Ze Xin also arrives on the scene, the two fight. Each kick the other in the chest, and the ledger lands at Yu Le Xuan's feet. Lei Ze Xin chases after the masked man.  

Meanwhile, Xue Wen Xi and Yu Le Xuan are surrounded by a bunch of baddies as Han Sheng Zhi looks on. Both are injured and the ledger is stolen. There's no evidence that Han Sheng Zhi did it, but the scholars are all incensed. There's talk of impeaching Han Sheng Zhiwhich needs half of the stewards on the Student Council's agreement, and all agree that Yu Le Xuan is the only one who could lead the charge. 

Lei Ze Xin tells Teacher Ding that he thinks the masked man might have been Teacher Li and because he got a kick at his chest, there will be a bruise. But when Lei Ze Xin takes a bath beside Teacher Li, there's no sign of a bruise. (🐼: We later see that Teacher Li had stuck a fake patch of chest hair over his bruises though).  

For once, its Lei Ze Xin who helps patch up the injured Yu Le Xuan. He asks Yu Le Xuan if he is sure about bringing Han Sheng Zhi down, and Yu Le Xuan smiles ruefully.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 28 - Han Sheng Zhi
Ep 28: Han Sheng Zhi attacks Yu Le Xuan

At the impeachment hearing, Han Sheng Zhi says that Yu Le Xuan is not worthy to impeach him. He says that Yu Le Xuan purchased a fake identity as a noble, that he has cheated in his business dealings and that he is ... illegitimate. (🐼: Apparently this is a very big deal, as you are forbidden to study at the Academy if you are illegitimate).

Everyone gasps, and Feng Cheng Jun tells Han Sheng Zhi he has gone too far. Principal Feng calls a halt to the first session of the impeachment hearing...

Many of the scholars shun Yu Le Xuan but Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin stand by him. When Han Sheng Zhi comes to crow, Feng Cheng Jun (🐼:barely) manages to restrain Lei Ze Xin from beating the stuffing out of him.    

Master Wang arrives in the midst of the chaos, and says that Principal Feng should leave it to the Yuanshang Quartet to sort out, expressing his faith in them.

Xue Wen Xi tries her hardest to get other scholars to read pamphlets and sign a petition in support of Yu Le Xuan staying, but gets no takers.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 28 - I brought wine
Ep 28: I brought wine...

The usually cheerful Yu Le Xuan is deeply unhappy, and Lei Ze Xin is powerless to help his best friend. They walk together to Yu Le Xuan's house, and find Feng Cheng Jun outside, waiting for them with a (🐼:very) large cask of wine. 

Lei Ze Xin approves. It's the first time Feng Cheng Jun has shouted friends drinks, and the trio head in together to forget their sorrows in wine and friendship. Feng Cheng Jun tells Lei Ze Xin he knows why he has always disliked him, but to put away prejudice and find the truth together. Lei Ze Xin says he has, otherwise they wouldn't be drinking together. Feng Cheng Jun also tells Yu Le Xuan that the past is the past, and he is the unique Yu Le Xuan, and that they are a family. This approachable Feng Cheng Jun earns a smile from Yu Le Xuan(🐼: Awww - yay for brotherhood!)
In a Class of Her Own - episode 28 - here's to friendship
Ep 28: Here's to friendship!
Back at the Academy, Xue Wen Xi manages to convince a small handful of scholars to support Yu Le Xuan with an eloquent defence of his character. 

The second session of the impeachment hearing is in session, but it has turned into a forum on Yu Le Xuan's fate. Master Wang presides, but as an observer - it's going to come down to the decision of the scholars - at least 80% must support Yu Le Xuan staying. There are very few Yu Le Xuan supporters though and Han Sheng Zhi is gleeful. Yu Le Xuan stands to leave, but is stopped by Lei Ze Xin and Feng Cheng Jun, who rises to speak as counsel for the defence. "Yes, Yu Le Xuan is un-filial, never goes home, is a money grubber... but why? It's because of you", he says, pointing at Han Sheng Zhi... 


🐼: So many feels in this episode! Love the brotherhood and the friendship. Some fantastic acting from the boys, especially Yu Le Xuan💛

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