Episode 27 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 27 recap

In which the hero begins to doubt his sanity... 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - lippy awkwardness
Ep 27: A bit of lip rogue  


In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 27: "Pretty, huh".
Feng Cheng Jun stares at Xue Wen Xi, but all he can see is her as a Lady in Red. He is adorably confused, gesturing at some lipstick that she hasn't managed to remove. He's about to help, when Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin join them. The latter wipes it off, while Feng Cheng Jun looks anywhere but at Xue Wen Xi.

Yu Le Xuan (🐼:our favourite stirrer) asks Feng Cheng Jun whether he thinks "Wen Bin" looked beautiful as a girl. Very... "Almost like the real thing?" (🐼:😆)

The book that Xue Wen Xi found in the last episode has her worried though.  It's a ledger listing bribes taken and Governor Feng's name is in it.  She doesn't know what to do - after all, it's Feng-ge's father we're talking about... 

In dorm room 2, the sleeping arrangements again come up for discussion, but this time Feng Cheng Jun is overly eager for Lei Ze Xin to sleep in the middle, much to general confusion and not a little hurt from Xue Wen Xi, who remains in the middle.  But spare a thought for poor Feng Cheng Jun, because he somehow manages to see his "Bin-de" everywhere as a girl and looking absolutely gorgeous, including sleeping beside him. He tosses and turns so much that Lei Ze Xin asks him if he's sprained his neck and Xue Wen Xi offers to help him rub his neck.  His quick "no need!" has her offended and hurt, but it has Lei Ze Xin wondering if Feng Cheng Jun has also figured out "Wen Bin" is a girl. (🐼:He hasn't. He thinks he's hallucinating, the adorable idiot 😂).  

Meanwhile Gu Da Cho is confessing to Lord Han that the book of ledgers has gone missing, but that he had earlier replaced all mention of Lord Han's name with Governor Feng (🐼:sneaky) so surely Feng Cheng Jun won't out his own father for bribery? Lord Han is incensed and tells him he needs to take care of it or pay with his life. He also gets Han Sheng Zhi to aid in the efforts to recover the ledger.

Back at the Academy, poor Feng Cheng Jun continues to hallucinate. While they are eating, he again imagines Xue Wen Xi in female garb. He slaps himself. It doesn't work. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun seeing visions
Ep 27: Hallucinations affect Feng Cheng Jun's ability to eat

In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - awkward library scene
Ep 27: Library awkwardness

He runs away. He hides out in the library. And when Xue Wen Xi joins him there, he is so painfully but adorably awkward that it is obvious to the others as he again rushes off.  

Yu Le Xuan says to Lei Ze Xin that it must be because poor Feng Cheng Jun saw "Wen Bin" as a a beautiful lady in red (🐼:and also fits in a dig - pity Lei Ze Xin didn't get to see her like that😆). 

Feng Cheng Jun continues to be hopelessly distracted. While having a drink he does a spit take when he again sees "Wen Bin" as a girl and literally bangs his head on a nearby hard surface:In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun seeing visions

Both Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin remark that Feng Cheng Jun is acting very oddly. (🐼:Of course he is, the guy is having an identity crisis, haha!)  Xue Wen Xi asks the duo what is wrong, and Yu Le Xuan recommends she ask Feng Cheng Jun

In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 27: Something's wrong with Feng-ge

She does, cornering him in dorm room 2. Poor Feng Cheng Jun tries to flee, but she grabs him by the arm and says everyone thinks he's acting oddly and asks him what is going on. He reddens (even his ears go red) and he confesses that he hasn't been able to un-see "Wen Bin" as a girl, because "he" had been too beautiful. "It's my problem, I shouldn't say that about a man" he mumbles.  But then there's the most hilarious exchange when he asks if "Wen Bin" can set up him up with "his" identical twin sister:   
In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun - set me up with your sister!
Ep 27: "Set me up with your twin sister?" 'What?!"
In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun awkward
Ep 27: Did I just say that out loud? Feng Cheng Jun prays for strength
"What's wrong with him?" asks the other two. Xue Wen Xi responds that Feng Cheng Jun is sick. "Let's cure him" says Lei Ze Xin. "He's incurable" says Xue Wen Xi - "he's suffering from hallucinations". And Feng Cheng Jun literally pours cold water over himself.  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 27 - Feng Cheng Jun - water scene
Ep 27: The equivalent of a cold shower? 
Meanwhile Han Sheng Zhi is investigating the ledger for Lord Han. He catches Xue Wen Xi in the library researching details in the State Code of Yun and demands she hand over the ledger. Teacher Li interrupts and sends Han Sheng Zhi away, but he may be even more dangerous...

Lei Ze Xin arrives in time to intervene.  Alone, he asks her what is going on, and she shows him the ledger. Feng Cheng Jun happens to be nearby, and eavesdrops. Lei Ze Xin says they ought to report it to Master Wang, but she says, what if it's a fake? Lei Ze Xin tells her that Governor Feng is not a good person - he says that his older brother and his mentor tried to improve Yun country, only to be implicated and Governor Feng got his father, Commander Lei to server ties with his older brother. When his older brother was later murdered, his mother also died shortly after from grief. (🐼:No wonder he's never liked Feng Cheng Jun!)

Feng Cheng Jun goes to see his father. They play chess, but it's really a pretext for Feng Cheng Jun to ask his father if he knows Gu Da Cho. His father says he has never taken bribes and tells Feng Cheng Jun to investigate the truth. 

Feng Cheng Jun tells Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin that he knows about the ledger. He says that his father would not take bribes. Xue Wen Xi says it may be hard for him to be objective though. There is discord in dorm room 2. 

Lei Ze Xin resolves to protect Xue Wen Xi until they get to the bottom of the matter. She receives a note from Teacher Ding to meet him secretly. Another note comes for Lei Ze Xin - also from Teacher Ding. But it was a trick to lure him away. Xue Wen Xi heads to meet Teacher Ding, but its Han Sheng Zhi who is there instead...


🐼: Another hilarious episode! Feng Cheng Jun is really adorable and laugh-out-loud funny in this one. That line about "setting me up with your twin sister"😆 He's got it bad. And Yu Le Xuan, with all his sly digs... we're all Yu Le Xuan in this episode, laughing up our sleeves. Poor Feng-ge! 

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