Episode 13 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 13 recap

In which the hero and heroine end up in the most awkward double date ever and love is in the air (though not at the double date)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - don't leave Feng-ge!
Ep 13: "Do join us Mr Wen!" 

Xue Wen Xi sets about trying to get Feng Cheng Jun to agree to that date with Miss Han, but it's a hell no from him. She tells him, however, that Miss Han has pined so much that she is sick, and besides, Xue Wen Xi has already promised that he will go. So Feng Cheng Jun relents.  

It was meant to be a gathering of friends rather than a date as such, but Miss Han deftly separates Feng Cheng Jun from Xue Wen Xi with the help of her maid. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - don't leave
Ep 13: "Don't leaveeee me..."
 He (🐼:poor man) is forced to view flowers with her in a garden, but Xue Wen Xi manages to rescue the hapless Feng Cheng Jun by claiming that they are both wanted by Principal Feng.  Immediately.   

Feng Cheng Jun is a bit shocked (🐼:and impressed) with how good she is at lying and the two walk on.  They bump into Miss Mu, who is absolutely thrilled, and asks for their company (🐼:so it's Xue Wen Xi's turn to squirm). Feng Cheng Jun (🐼:in revenge?) says he ought to give them some time together.  Xue Wen Xi grabs him in a back hug to stop him from leaving.  He stays, and the three head to a tavern.  

It's hired out by someone though, and Xue Wen Xi thinks, yes, luck is finally going my way, let's get out of here.  But Feng Cheng Jun thinks they should head inside, and what do you know, the tavern has been hired out by Miss Han(🐼:karma's a b**** Feng Cheng Jun 😅)     
In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - awkward double date
Ep 13: The most awkward of double dates

The four sit down to what must surely be the most awkward double date in all of CH-drama history.  Both ladies squabble over their (🐼:uninterested) guys, cat fight, get drunk and when Feng Cheng Jun tries to play peacemaker, Xue Wen Xi throws some serious shade.  She doesn't know it yet, but she's jealous - doesn't like that Feng-ge puts in the occasional good word for Miss Han. The two leave, beating as hasty a retreat as possible.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - Mu Xiao Man and Han Xu Min drown their sorrows
Ep 13: Miss Mu and Miss Han drown their sorrows

Miss Mu and Miss Han drink themselves silly over their mutual pain at being rejected by their respective crushes. 

Xue Wen Xi is still fuming, but is speechless when Feng Cheng Jun asks why she is so concerned that he may have fallen for Miss Han

Ep 13: Glad it's not us getting our behinds caned!

When Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi sneak back into Academy they witness with some awe and amusement Teacher Li opening a door and having a bucket of water drop on his head. 

One of Han Sheng Zhi's cronies, also sees the incident and giggles a bit too loudly.  Teacher Li promptly ducks 100 nobility points off him and drags him away for a caning.

It dawns on Xue Wen Xi that she has feelings💘for Feng Cheng Jun.  She becomes really awkward around him.  This includes sneaking longing looks at him while he sleeps (and getting caught doing it)...
Ep 13: Hi...want to explain why I can't get you out of my head? No?  Back to sleep, then, as you were

...dropping things, avoiding him, and generally needing to be rescued from falls and much gazing into of each other's eyes 
(🐼: because we are in CH-Drama trope territory here. No complaints though, the visuals are splendid and it's funny. Of course Feng Cheng Jun remains completely clueless with what is happening to his "Bin-de"): 
Ep 13: Anyone else getting Time after Time vibes (as in "If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting..."?)

There's then a lovely scene with the Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin duo. They're talking about the bucket-of-water-on-Teacher-Li incident.  "It was me" says Lei Ze Xin.  "I know" says Yu Le Xuan. Both smirk:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 13 - Yu Le Xuan and Lei Xi Zin - friendship
Ep 13:  Tea for two with Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin - friendship goals 💛
The point was to test if Teacher Li knew martial arts, because the person who sent that flying dagger note to Lei Ze Xin was a martial artist and an Academy Teacher (as shown by his waist jade hanging).  But since he couldn't dodge the water bucket, surely he isn't the mysterious note sender? Or is he? Hmmmm. 

Meanwhile Xue Wen Xi is so super (🐼:adorably) awkward around Feng Cheng Jun that all the other scholars notice.  They come to completely the wrong conclusion though - they think that Feng Cheng Jun is bullying poor "Wen Bin" and try and put a stop to it (🐼:😅) 


🐼: Ah, so the beginnings of (one sided) love in the air at episode 13... laughing at how the other scholars added 2+2 to get not 4, but the square root of Feng Cheng Jun being a bully.  Can I just say how much I love the brotherhood between Yu Le Xuan and Lei Ze Xin? #friendship goals;#BFFs💛   

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