Episode 20 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 20 recap

Iwhich our heroine fights to stay and trains in earnest 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - girl power
Ep 20: Girl power!

Xue Wen Xi tells Teacher Ding that she doesn't want to leave and wants to enter the archery contest. He is worried that it could mean exposure and worse.  She asks for a chance to try, for herself and all women, to create a miracle. There's a flashback to Teacher Ding's memories of Xue Ding Kun, similarly idealistic and unwilling to back down. (🐼: Her Father perhaps?) Teacher Ding says that if she wins the archery contest, she can stay - no one would doubt her then. She agrees and he says he will help as much as he can. (🐼:I'm rather fond of Teacher Ding, this is dangerous for him too)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - training
Ep 20: press ups training 

Xue Wen Xi begins to train in earnest, determined to achieve. 

Han Sheng Zhi comes to crow and says the losers should apologise and submit to the superior team. Yu Le Xuan shakes his head and smiles wryly though - his money is on Xue Wen Xi.  

Meanwhile, Miss Han takes lessons to improve her mind and character and Lei Ze Xin returns home to continue his investigations. He overhears his father speaking with Teacher Ding, who has come to ask about Xue Ding Kun's family. Commander Lei says he killed those who he was ordered to kill (ie. Xue Ding Kun's family) at the orders of Governor Feng (🐼:Feng Cheng Jun's father!) though Governor Feng denied giving such orders and it was likely Lord Han who was behind it all. At the time Mrs Xue was pregnant...and Lei Ze Xin's older brother was also implicated and died. Teacher Ding says he knows the truth, that Commander Lei actually let Xue Ding Kun's family live. And the person who alerted the news to try and save all was Commander Mu (🐼:Miss Mu's father).

In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - Lei Ze Xin in black
Ep 20: Lei Ze Xin seeks vindication!

Lei Ze Xin writes red pamphlets and shoots arrows everywhere with the news that Commander Mu died to protect the good and should be vindicated. Lord Han is determined to find the man in black and sources say he may be a scholar...
In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 20: Feng Cheng Jun 

Back at the Academy, Xue Wen Xi's training is paying off - she is able to hit the target board! When Lei Ze Xin comes back, he's happy for her. She asks him to join their team, but when Lei Ze Xin recalls that Feng Cheng Jun's father may have been behind Xue Ding Kun's death he angrily refuses. They tell him he cannot accomplish anything on his own and needs to work in a team. He stalks off. 

But later, returning to dorm room 2, he helps the sleeping Xue Wen Xi bandage up her hand. She wakes and asks him to join their team again. Feng Cheng Jun chimes in (🐼:and does a bit of needling - surely you're not going to join Han Sheng Zhi's team?) He doesn't respond.

Han Sheng Zhi laughs that they still don't have 5 in the team. Lei Ze Xin walks in, carrying his bow and arrow (🐼:and looking mighty suave). "You don't need to worry on that score." Yu Le Xuan is amused - "so you finally thought it through?" Feng Cheng Jun smiles. (🐼: Go Team!)

They go to train, and Lei Ze Xin takes over as coach. He tells Xue Wen Xi the secret is calmness - "You only need to aim for the bullseye, and enjoy the thrill of the arrow and be one with it..." (🐼:Sounds easy when you say it like that, ha!) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - coach Lei Ze Xin
In a Class of Her Own - episode 20 - coach Lei Ze Xin
Ep 20: Coach Lei Ze Xin 
In contrast, Han Sheng Zhi's team is not having much fun - the hapless Lin Bing Shen keeps missing the bullseye and his performance is decidedly not helped by Han Sheng Zhi's threats that failure is unacceptable.

Meanwhile, the day before the archery contest, Miss Han arrives at the Academy with a feast for all. She's shooting quite a few shy glances at Feng Cheng Jun and gives him a specially prepared lunchbox. Lei Ze Xin leaves, taking the (🐼:jealous) Xue Wen Xi with him.


🐼: The power of team work is paramount in this one. Our boy Lei Ze Xin finally joins the Team. Yay! There's also quite a bit of background (somewhat heavy stuff) but the picture of what happened in the past is slowly becoming clearer. 
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