Episode 19 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 19 recap

In which Teacher Ding finds out the heroine's secret and the upcoming Academy archery contest poses challenges  

All three members of the "Protect Wen Bin Squad" get beaten. It's quite brutal. None of the boys can sit for a very long time.  They all lie on their stomachs feeling sorry for themselves:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - three in pain
Ep 19: The "Protect Wen Bin Squad" feeling the pain 

Hilariously, Yu Le Xuan squeals the loudest. Lei Ze Xin has little patience with this - "Are you asking for death or not wanting to live? I took x30 whacks and you don't hear me squealing about it." Yu Le Xuan gives him a baleful look. "You've a tough hide. I'm delicate." (🐼: ha!😅)

Yu Le Xuan quickly offers to help the others apply the medicine though, to avoid Xue Wen Xi having to do it (🐼: ha!) She does everything else - food, drinks, study notes, making medicine... she's really grateful and moved by what they've done for her: 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19  - room service

In a Class of Her Own - episode 19  - room service
Ep 19: Room service!
All the running around looking after her injured boys has Xue Wen Xi a bit run down herself and she catches a cold. When she faints in class, the scholars take her to Teacher Ding, who becomes the next person at the Academy to find out Xue Wen Xi's secret. He's really concerned for her sake, telling her the danger she is in. (🐼:Remember, discovery could mean death for her and her family). He tells her he will try and arrange matters so that she can leave the Academy safely. She agrees, but is sad. 

Yu Le Xuan searches for her (worried that her identity may be exposed) but Teacher Ding tells him not to ask any questions, giving him flu medicine to take back for "Wen Bin".

Meanwhile, there is much excitement around the Academy about the upcoming annual archery contest. The illustrious Master Wang himself will be hosting the contest and the winning team will get 100 nobility points, $1,000 in prize money each and fame and glory. Principal Feng is (🐼: hilariously) all flustered by the prospect of Master Wang arriving as it could mean his own dreams of officialdom could be achieved but Teacher Ding is worried, because Master Wang (who sponsored "Wen Bin" as a student into the Academy), is very keen to see his protege succeed.  Teacher Ding tells Xue Wen Xi that she must leave the Academy before the archery contest as it is becoming too dangerous for her to stay.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - archery lessons
Ep 19: Archery lessons
Feng Cheng Jun wants to enter a team into the archery contest and asks his Bin-de to join, but she is reluctant because she knows she must leave soon and because she lacks the physical strength to compete. Both Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin say they can teach her, but she is morose. Two others join Feng Cheng Jun's team. If Xue Wen Xi joined, that would be 4 in the team, needing a 5th. They ask Lei Ze Xin, but he walks off.  

As usual, Feng Cheng Jun excels with bow and arrow. Xue Wen Xi really sucks. She wants to give up, but Feng Cheng Jun tries to convince her to train, because he knows she needs the nobility points - she's almost on zero there. She remains unwilling. But very flustered when Feng Cheng Jun gives her archery lessons...
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - archery lessons
Ep 19: Eyes on the target?
Ep 19: Shirtless Feng Cheng Jun Alert! 

Later, Feng Cheng Jun is ambushed (courtesy of Han's cronies) - a falling pole strikes him from behind and he injures his right arm. 

He refuses to give up, saying he will train his left arm to draw the bow. He says to Xue Win Xi that they can train together. She refuses, but she and Lei Ze Xin look on with some awe while they witness the determined Feng Cheng Jun train his left arm (one armed push ups, weights, the works).

Ep 19: Looking on in awe as Feng Cheng Jun trains
After lots of hard work, he goes from not being able to draw the string to finally being able to hit the target board. It's late at night and even Lei Ze Xin is impressed, lighting the way (literally) for him with arrows to ignite the fire lamps. (🐼:Classy)

Then Feng Cheng Jun, using his left arm, hits the bullseye! Xue Wen Xi runs off. He follows, telling her that she must have the courage to draw the bow so that they can one day change the world and its many injustices.

Lei Ze Xin also encourages her, telling her that she must not let others look down on her and must prove them wrong. Besides, he says. "I've got your back". 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - I've got your back
In a Class of Her Own - episode 19 - I've got your back
Ep 19: "I've got your back!"
Inspired, Xue Wen Xi goes to Teacher Ding's offices and says that she doesn't want to leave the Academy...     


(🐼: Loved the boy banter at the beginning and also Feng Cheng Jun's determination (and the shirtless scene). It's odd to see the usually optimistic and plucky Xue Wen Xi so unwilling to give it a shot literally, but of course, she knows she has to leave so is conflicted. Pity Yu Le Xuan is in Han Sheng Zhi's team already, but here's hoping Lei Ze Xin joins the team soon, because we all know that guy can shoot arrows! Can't resist a pic of our favourite man in black:
In a Class of Her Own - Lei Ze Xin - bow and arrow

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