Episode 7 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 7 recap

In which our heroine gets into trouble and realises that she actually doesn't want "Wen Bin" to get expelled

In a Class of Her Own - episode 7 - drawing Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 7: Drawing perfection

Episode 7 begins with Xue Wen Xi practicing her artwork. She is really bad.  Feng Cheng Jun tells her to draw him, using the tree as perspective.  Of course she promptly gets distracted from the drawing by how picture perfect he is (🐼: very understandable, that! 😁)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 7 - sleeping in class
Ep 7: Sleeping in class
In further attempts to get herself expelled, Xue Wen Xi copies everything Lei Ze Xin does.  That includes sleeping in class, adopting his famous catch phrase "do you want to die or do you not want to live" and being a bit too handy with her fists. 

In a Class of Her Own - Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin
Ep 7: Regrets...

On Lei Ze Xin's dare she kicks another student, but then promptly regrets it when others tell her that that classmate has just had bad news from home. 

Back in dorm room 2, Feng Cheng Jun tells Lei Ze Xin to knock it off, assuming that he is the one leading Xue Wen Xi astray, saying that "Little Brother Bin" doesn't have his advantages, hasn't got an important Dad, and will ruin his prospects if he continues misbehaving.  Incensed, Lei Ze Xin tells Feng Cheng Jun not to lecture him, and promptly takes Xue Wen Xi out drinking. Xue Wen Xi tells Feng Cheng Jun that she is unhappy at the Academy and that he ought not to impose his viewpoints on others... (🐼: He looks crushed, like a kicked puppy, poor lad).

Predictably Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin get into trouble at the tavern, though only because they rescue a performer from a lecherous ruffian and break a precious vase as a result.  

On returning to Yuanshang Academy, Han Sheng Zhi catches them and Xue Wen Xi tells him, yes, I've been drinking and breaking the rules.  Sue me!  She also pretends to hiccup and memories of being recently puked on has Han Sheng Zhi beating a hasty retreat.  

The owner of the broken vase makes trouble.  Xue Wen Xi confesses to breaking the vase, wanting to be expelled.  But Feng Cheng Jun tells Xue Wen Xi that it's serious.  If "he" continues, he will be expelled, and "Wen Bin" will be forever blacklisted from all education, including the possibility of any kind of scholarly profession in future.  Xue Wen Xi starts to regret her recent life choices when she realises that she could be stuffing up her brother's chances, seeing as she is going by his name.   

Feng Cheng Jun gets angry at Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan intervenes, teasingly saying that even Feng Cheng Jun can lose his cool.  He leaves them to talk, and Feng Cheng Jun makes clear what effect this will have on "Wen Bin".  Lei Ze Xin starts feeling bad as well...   
In a Class of Her Own - episode 7 - Yu Le Xuan plays peacemaker
Ep 7: Yu Le Xuan intervenes. Now, now, children - play nice. 
Han Sheng Zhi relays Xue Wen Xi's misdeeds to the Discipline Board and Principal Feng is all for expelling Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin, but other teachers advocate caution, since "Wen Bin" was recommended by Master Wang.  It's decided that the fates of Lei Ze Xin and "Wen Bin" are to be put to the vote among their fellow students. (🐼: Hmmm, a weird democracy of sorts? Bet Han Sheng Zhi pulls some strings to make trouble).  

Yu Le Xuan gives Xue Wen Xi some advice - curry favour with other students. She tries her best, but has little success as all the students want the infamous Lei Ao out (and they are a package deal)...


🐼: This one is another slower episode, one to show Xue Wen Xi’s change of heart towards staying at Yuanshang Academy.  While the pace is slower, I’m enjoying the interactions between the leads - especially the all too short Yu Le Xuan moments. His cheeky smile (and quickness to intervene when Lei Ze Xin is threatened, even if it’s by the normally cool headed Feng Cheng Jun) = friendship goals!💛I’m loving our 3L in this episode - he doesn’t get enough screen time. 

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