Episode 18 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 18 recap

In which the heroine and hero wish on a star and the "Protect Wen Bin Squad" report for duty 

Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi spend the night waiting for shooting stars at the top of the island. He teases her when she is eager to wish on the shooting stars ("so like a girl!") She silently makes a wish for the impossible - that she and he can be together. He also makes a wish - he tells her that it's so that all her unfulfilled wishes can come true. (🐼: Awwww 💕).

In a Class of Her Own - episode 18 - Miss Han faints
Ep 18: Miss Han faints

When they return, they are met at the dock by an irate Miss Han. She is furious at "Wen Bin" telling "him" that he is a despicable climber who purposefully scuppered her plans with the boat. Miss Han says some really nasty things, including that "Wen Bin" is just a commoner and will never be on the same boat as people like her and Feng Cheng Jun. (🐼:Harsh! Showing her true colours here...) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 18 - Miss Han lovesick
Ep 18: Why won't you loveeeeee me?
Xue Wen Xi is distressed and says there has been a misunderstanding, but Miss Han refuses to listen. Feng Cheng Jun says he would not have gone to Qinming Island alone with her in any event, as it would have damaged her reputation. Having caught a cold from waiting all night at the dock, she faints. Feng Cheng Jun carries her to see a doctor. 

When she wakes, she asks him why he won't consider her - "I'm from a similar background, and I'm not ugly." He again explains, in the nicest way that he doesn't see her that way. He says he doesn't care about background - he wants to spend his life with someone like minded, a soulmate, with an independent character. (🐼: Someone like Wen Bin?) In order to become that independent character, Miss Han begins to take lessons from a Master. (🐼: Sigh, girl, can't you just learn for the sake of learning?) 

But Miss Han has managed to sow discord in dorm room 2 - when Feng Cheng Jun asks Xue Wen Xi if she really did scupper Miss Han's plans, she takes it badly and the temperature in dorm room 2 turns arctic, much to Lei Ze Xin's glee.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 18 - drunk Feng Cheng Jun

Xue Wen Xi
 goes drinking with the other scholars and Feng Cheng Jun also goes even though he isn't usually much of a drinker. At the end of the night poor Feng Cheng Jun is completely, unable-to-walk-in-a-straight-line drunk. Xue Wen Xi takes care of him, with some amusement. 

He says to her, "you look so frail, how come you can drink so much?"

She asks "Do I look like a girl to you?"

He says "Yes, you do. But don't worry Bin-de, it's not your fault you're pretty." (🐼:Ha!)

They head back to the Academy, but of course, Han Sheng Zhi and his cronies are there waiting to bar the door to them to get them into trouble.  Lei Ze Xin arrives and beats the stuffing out of the Han gang, but Teacher Li walks out and witnesses it all.   

The next day "Wen Bin", who has no nobility points left to deduct, is in trouble, along with Lei Ze Xin, for drinking and beating up classmates respectively. Teacher Li decrees the punishment for "Wen Bin" to be x20 hits to the palm and x20 whacks on the butt and for Lei Ze Xin x50 hits to the palm and x30 whacks on the butt.  Make no mistake, those whacks on the butt are no laughing matter, they are the kind used on felons. 

Lei Ze Xin says he will take his junior brother's punishment also, but Teacher Li points out that the punishment is double if taken on behalf of another (so that would be x40 whacks) whereas the human body can only endure x30 whacks at best. On top of his own punishment, he would be looking at x70 whacks, which is not permitted.

Feng Cheng Jun rushes in, and says he will take "Wen Bin"'s punishment. Lei Ze Xin approves - "that's how an older brother ought to act." But Feng Cheng Jun is only allowed to take x30 whacks for Xue Wen Xi, leaving x10.

Yu Le Xuan then steps up, offering to take the remaining x10 whacks for "Wen Bin", saying he owes her one for his wonderful and memorable birthday:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 18 - Wen Bin Protection Squad!
Ep 18: The "Protect Wen Bin Squad" report for duty 💛


🐼: Can I just say that Feng Cheng Jun is a cute drunk and it's nice to know he's not perfect in everything, even if it's just drinking?  

And the "protect Wen Bin squad"!! I totally loved them. Although only Yu Le Xuan knows her true identity, regardless, they are all willing to put their bodies on the line to protect their weaker "brother". Heartwarming friendship 💛 

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