Episode 16 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 16 recap

In which the dorm room 2 boys bicker and Yu Le Xuan makes a discovery

In a Class of Her Own - episode 16 - Lei Ao punches
Ep 16: Not so passive aggression in dorm room 2...

With Han Sheng Zhi's threat over his head, Yu Le Xuan is uncharacteristically gloomy. 

Lei Ze Xin has also taken it rather personally that his junior brother has become "sworn brothers" with Feng Cheng Jun, and makes his displeasure known by practicing martial arts in a passive aggressive way just above Feng Cheng Jun's head. 

Xue Wen Xi plays peacemaker, telling the three boys that they all ought to go for a stroll to the markets.  When they get there, she gets excited about some embroidered purses that are on sale, but the general consensus is that only girls would like that sort of thing. (🐼:Ha!)   
In a Class of her Own - episode 15 - sheltering from the rain
Ep 16: Xue Wen Xi wrapped up from the rain 

The four get caught in the rain, and Feng Cheng Jun gives Xue Wen Xi his coat.  Not to be outdone, Lei Ze Xin gives (🐼: or rather covers her head) with his, much to Yu Le Xuan's amusement, and they head to his place for a change of clothes.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 16
Ep 16:  At Yu Le Xuan's house - changing robes

Both Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin tell her to get changed in the inner room, explaining to the puzzled Yu Le Xuan that "Wen Bin" goes crazy unless he has privacy to change his clothes alone. She emerges in Yu Le Xuan's clothes and looks really pretty.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 16 - borrowed robes
Ep 16: Xue Wen Xi in borrowed robes

Lei Ze Xin:  "Looking good, Junior Brother!"
Yu Le Xuan: "As pretty as a girl..."
Feng Cheng Jun: "Yeah, very pretty." 
Xue Wen Xi: Ummmm 😳

Yu Le Xuan then says it's a good thing "Wen Bin" isn't actually a girl or "she'd" have all three men fighting to the death for her (🐼:Ha! Has he visited dorm room 2 lately?):  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 16 - good thing you're not a girl
Ep 16: Yu Le Xuan hits the nail on the head (unknowingly) 

Han Sheng Zhi sees the happy quartet walking back to the Academy and threatens Yu Le Xuan in a less than subtle way.  
In a Class of Her Own - episode 16 - gift for Feng Cheng Jun
Ep 16: Token of affection💘

Back in dorm room 2, Xue Wen Xi shyly gives Feng Cheng Jun one of the embroidered purses - it's blue for power.  Feng Cheng Jun is touched (but also slightly disappointed that she got purses for Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan too).  She doesn't tell him that she got the matching purse to his for herself.

Yu Le Xuan tries to persuade Xue Wen Xi to consider dropping out because of Han Sheng Zhi's schemes, for her own good, but she is adamant that she will stay.  She won't bow down to Han Sheng Zhi's bullying - wants to stay and learn and change the country for the better. She gives him an embroidered purse - gold, for success. He's moved but also deeply troubled:
Ep 16: A pensive (and very handsome) Yu Le Xuan ponders his options
Ep 16: Discovery!

Xue Wen Xi needs to go bathe, and pretends to be a ghost with her hair down to frighten away other scholars...They freak out and the store room is then believed to be haunted. While she is getting ready to disrobe, Yu Le Xuan happens to glance at the door and discovers that Xue Wen Xi is a girl (🐼: Finally!) 

At that time, Han Sheng Zhi and his cronies come to investigate the "ghost" situation. Yu Le Xuan instinctively protects Xue Wen Xi from discovery, creating comical diversions and blocking any view of where she is hiding. 

Later, Xue Wen Xi wonders if Yu Le Xuan saw her and tentatively tries to find out, but he doesn't let on that he knows her secret. 

In class, Teacher Ding teaches that the ancient proverb "No true man is without cruelty" is a misquotation - the true proverb is "No true man is without principle." Yu Le Xuan becomes very pensive. 

Outside class, an anonymous poster has been put up saying that someone at the Academy is masquerading as a noble. It's Han Sheng Zhi who put up the poster of course. (🐼: Subtlety is not his forte). Yu Le Xuan says he will accomplish the task in 10 days, but is deeply unhappy. He drinks alone until Lei Ze Xin joins him and although the latter tries to ask what's wrong and offers his aid, Yu Le Xuan remains tight lipped.   

In dorm room 2, Xue Wen Xi finds out from Lei Ze Xin that it is Yu Le Xuan's birthday on the following day. He never celebrates it though as he has long severed relations with his family. Xue Wen Xi decides to plan a surprise birthday party for him💛


🐼: So we finally get one of the leads finding out our girl is a girl in episode 16. They all need to get their eyes checked😂  

Some fantastic acting from Bi Wen Jun as Yu Le Xuan. Such subtle expressions and his eyes do a lot of the acting - you really feel for him.  Also, when he realises Xue Wen Xi is a girl he takes it in his stride and instinctively protects her even though it is against his best interests at the time, given the whole Han Sheng Zhi blackmail situation. Incidentally, he also looks really good in ancient costume (see above pic of him looking pensive in white).  

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