Episode 6 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 6 recap

In which two infatuated ladies pursue the hero and heroine and our heroine tries to get expelled 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin
Ep 6: Xue Wen Xi v Lei Ze Xin

In Dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi wakes up from her drunken sleep.  Lei Ze Xin tries to tell her that she shouldn’t associate with Feng Cheng Jun and says he’s a bad sort, like all nobility, but is a hypocrite because he acts "nice".  She thinks he has reneged on the deal and gets annoyed, but Feng Cheng Jun walks in. (🐼: Oops).  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - sorry
Ep 6: "I'm sorry Senior Brother..."

Cue Xue Wen Xi trying to get back in his good books (🐼: Cute).  

The recent drinking incident has been reported up to Teacher Li and the Review Board, and Xue Wen Xi gets 10 “nobility points” deducted, which also equates to a $100 penalty, which really annoys her. She’s there to try and earn the stipend damn it not to make a loss...

Lei Ze Xin is playing truant again, this time to find the grave of Xue Ding Kun, who has something to do with the mysterious events that connect to his big brother's death.  He notices that he is being followed by a masked man, who shoots a message on a dagger at him with the mysterious names "Ke Shi Juan" and "Qin Bei Chuan"...   

In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - Mu Xiao Man
Ep 6: Miss Mu enchanted by "Wen Bin"

Meanwhile, the scholars all head to town to shop for gifts for the teachers ahead of the induction ceremony. Xue Wen Xi bumps into Miss Mu and Feng Cheng Jun tactfully (🐼: well he thinks so anyway) leaves them to chat alone.  

Miss Mu is really lovely - she gives "Wen Bin" some good advice and plenty of longing looks.  One gets the feeling that they could be good friends (if Miss Mu weren't head over heels in love with "Wen Bin" that is). 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - Miss Han
Ep 6: Miss Han infatuated with Feng Cheng Jun

Feng Cheng Jun heads to an art auction. Infatuation must be the theme of the day... When Miss Han sees him bidding she starts a bidding war. He graciously lets her win and heads outside. She engineers a meeting by getting her maid to push her into his arms (🐼:ooo devious). They discuss the artist of the auctioned painting but it’s clear she has no idea what she’s talking about and only wants to impress him. Feng Cheng Jun declines her offer to have tea together and she straight out asks him if he’s single. He says he is unmarried and has no love interest. "Why do you ask?" She’s delighted (🐼: but he remains adorably clueless) and completely untouched by her obvious infatuation. 

There's a short segue to Master Wang (founder of Yuanshang Academy and a high official) and Teacher Ding, whom he sends to undercover teach for the semester. Master Wang is the one who was impressed with "Wen Bin" and her essay advocating equality of education for all, and had her advance into Yuanshang Academy as a scholar.  He recalls that in the past, there was another who had similar revolutionary thinking, and is happy to see it happen again...

Meanwhile Xue Wen Xi visits home and her worried Mother suggests she should try and get herself expelled. (🐼:That has to be one for the books! Only in drama land would a parent tell you to aim to get expelled 😆) 

On returning to Yuanshang Academy Xue Wen Xi sees Lei Ze Xin being berated by Teacher Li for being unruly. Turns out he had ear plugs in though (🐼:haha🙉). This all gives Xue Wen Xi an idea - perhaps she can emulate Senior Brother and get herself safely expelled?

The scholars head to music class and as usual Feng Cheng Jun excels, this time at the flute. Xue Wen Xi? Not so much. She makes a truly awful fingernails on blackboard noise on the flute and all the classmates snigger. The protective Lei Ze Xin gets annoyed, picks up his flute and shows them the true meaning of awful (he's even worse than Xue Wen Xi). He also hits a Teacher and is sent out. Much to Feng Cheng Jun’s consternation, Xue Wen Xi begins to copy everything Lei Ze Xin does in a quest to get expelled.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 6 - Lei Ze Xin plays flute
Ep 6:  You think my Junior Brother is bad?  Hold my beer...


🐼: This episode is a bit slower - I was hoping for more boy bickering but there wasn't much.  I guess they have to give us some background?  Also, in case you were also wondering why Xue Wen Xi's mother would suggest she try to get expelled - this is because masquerading as a man and attending Yuanshang Academy would be considered a serious crime (that of trying to deceive the Emperor) and so, punishable by death. Not just Xue Wen Xi's death, but that of her entire family.  So high stakes!😮    

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