Episode 26 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 26 recap

In which Lei Ze Xin is (hilariously) awkward and overprotective and our hero is stunned by a Lady in Red

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lei Ze Xin awkwardness
Ep 26: Lei Ze Xin - awkward...

It finally clicks! Lei Ze Xin realises that his "junior brother" is a girl... He is (
🐼:adorably) self conscious and, very reluctantly, leans over to do CPR, but thankfully for him, she revives before he has to. (🐼:Hahaha!) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lei Ze Xin awkwardness
Ep 26: No mouth to mouth CPR occurred, I swear

Don't get the wrong idea, he says. "You revived before I needed to do any mouth to mouth resuscitation, as that would have been awkward between us two grown men." 

She asks what happened to the bad guys, and he says he's beaten them all. "Good stuff" she says. He can barely look at her, he's so awkward.(🐼:😆): 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lei Ze Xin awkwardnesss
Ep 26: Lei Ze Xin - the awkward continues...🙈

They meet up with Feng Cheng Jun and Yu Le Xuan at the warehouse. When Yu Le Xuan finds out about the river rescue, he's immediately thoughtful. Commander Lei, who had arrived with the imperial guards, gives his son some dry clothes but Lei Ze Xin gives him the cold shoulder. He gives the clothes to Xue Wen Xi, telling her to get changed in the cabin. Feng Cheng Jun is about to head over to help, but Lei Ze Xin stops him, saying there's no need. Yu Le Xuan smiles knowingly. (🐼:Haha, he knows that he knows!)   
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - keeping warm
Ep 26: Keeping warm

Our favourite stirrer then asks whether mouth to mouth resuscitation was needed (🐼:😆) and is answered firmly and promptly with two Nos. Feng Cheng Jun gives Xue Wen Xi a one arm hug to warm his "little brother" and Yu Le Xuan cheekily offers his arm as well. The overprotective Lei Ze Xin tells them to knock it off, much to Yu Le Xuan's amusement.

Back at the Academy, the overprotective Lei Ze Xin stops other scholars from hugging Xue Wen Xi in greeting.(🐼:😆) The other scholars say that Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi should be president of the Student Council rather than Han Sheng Zhi. They are both non-committal, saying he's not that bad, just coloured by a personal grudge against "Wen Bin". Lin Bing Shen eavesdrops and reports back to Han Sheng Zhi, who is enraged.  

The Quartet sit comfortably together in dorm room 2, chatting companionably about the case and the suspect, Gu Da Chao. When Yu Le Xuan suggests they all have a sleepover both Lei Ze Xin and Xue Wen Xi say "NO" much to his amusement. (🐼: He is such a stirrer! I love it 😆) 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Squad pose
Ep 26: Squad pose
Teacher Ding comes to speak with Lei Ze Xin, saying that his investigations point to Teacher Li being the suspicious teacher who gave the mysterious note. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - I'll marry your sister
Ep 26: You'll marry me my sister?
In dorm room 2, Xue Wen Xi says that her near death experience has made her think of how much she would miss her mother, "sister", and the Quartet. She asks what Feng Cheng Jun would have done if she had died. He refuses to answer at first, but then says he would spend his life caring for her mother and "sister". Xue Wen Xi says "does that mean you will marry me my Sister?" He is a bit baffled, but says, "if you want me to, I will." She grins.💓 (🐼: The expression on her face though😆) 

In the morning, Feng Cheng Jun wakes up to a shock. It's Lei Ze Xin sleeping beside him, not Xue Wen Xi (!) Lei Ze Xin says that this is the sleeping arrangement from now on, despite their confused objections (🐼:😆).

Lei Ze Xin then attends medicine class, much to everyone's astonishment, seating himself smack in the middle between Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi. Yu Le Xuan is very amused, and wonders aloud whether "Wen Bin" has acquired a new bodyguard.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - overprotective Lei Ze Xin
Ep 26: Bodyguard Lei Ze Xin reporting for duty
The Quartet decide to attend suspect Gu Da Cho's 60th birthday celebration in order to search his house for the missing Lingzhi powder... Yu Le Xuan then detains Lei Ze Xin for a private chat. "How long are you going to keep it from me?" "Don't know what you're talking about..." Yu Le Xuan jokes around a bit, but then in all seriousness, tells Lei Ze Xin he is being too overprotective of "Wen Bin" and that it will make people suspect something is wrong. He advises him to act naturally, hinting that he ought not to blow Xue Wen Xi's cover. 

At Gu Da Cho's 60th birthday party, the boys make it into the building, with Xue Wen Xi as look out. The party is a trap though as Gu Da Cho has guards come, ostensibly to catch thieves. Yu Le Xuan, who is there as a guest is detained by people drinking to his honour, so cannot warn Feng Cheng Jun of the danger. He's surrounded, but Lei Ze Xin flies in to the rescue with some stylish martial arts skills and Feng Cheng Jun escapes. 

But more guards are after him and he's about to be caught when a lady in red pulls him into a storage room to hide. On closer inspection, he realises it's "Bin-de", dressed as a courtesan... and the look of sheer stunned stupefaction that crosses his face is both adorable and hilarious. (🐼:The man is shook!)     
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Feng Cheng Jun in shock
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Feng Cheng Jun in shock/Lady in Red
Ep 26: "Bin-de??" "Shhhhh"
She hides him in a cupboard. He's still completely bemused. When the guards come in, all they see is a feisty lady in red. They leave.  Feng Cheng Jun finds the Lingzhi powder and Xue Wen Xi finds a book...  They both flee. Lei Ze Xin comes to Feng Cheng Jun's rescue; Yu Le Xuan comes to Xue Wen Xi's rescue (ribbing her gently about her clever ruse to dress as an unparalleled beauty).

In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Feng Cheng Jun in cupboardIn a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lady in Red
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Lady in Red
Ep 26: The beautiful lady in red
Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan are both caught. But because Feng Cheng Jun managed to escape with the Lingzhi powder, and the two are scholars of the Academy, Gu Da Cho and Commander Gu are too afraid to detain them further. Gu Da Cho blames everything on his nephew. 

Feng Cheng Jun returns with the Lingzhi powder and is met by Xue Wen Xi, back in men's clothing. But he can't stop seeing her as the lady in red... 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 26 - Feng Cheng Jun in shock
Ep 26: Why am I hallucinating that you are a lady in red?


🐼: I LOVED this episode!! It was laugh-out-loud-clutching-my-stomach funny😆. Everything from Lei Ze Xin's obvious and hilarious awkwardness and over the top over-protectiveness, to Yu Le Xuan's sly knowing digs, to the look of sheer stunned stupefaction on Feng Cheng Jun's face at the end. I couldn't stop laughing!😂👍  

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