Episode 3 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 3 recap 

In which our heroine stands up to a bully, meets a man in black, and does some rescuing of her own 

Episode 3 begins with Xue Wen Xi trying in vain to convince Feng Cheng Jun that he should go occupy another dorm room instead. He’s unfazed by her claims to sleepwalking violence, and her talk of their mysterious scary other violent roommate, but he modestly saying he too knows some martial arts and can stay to look out for “little brother”.

In a Class of Her Own - episode 3 - smell good scene
Ep 3: Feng Cheng Jun: "You smell good..."

Cue a cute scene in which Feng Cheng Jun saves Xue Wen Xi from a falling wine bottle - he catches it before it can fall on her head and then notices that she smells really good (🐼: haha!) 

Xue Wen Xi runs off only to bump straight into other classmates who have been bathing. (🐼: She’s not having much luck avoiding embarrassment in this episode).

In a Class of Her Own  - episode 3
Ep 3: Xue Wen Xi "..."
The new scholars then attend an initiation where they all have to present gifts to the senior students. Xue Wen Xi is poor so her gift is snacks made by her mother, and Han Sheng Zhi (president of the Student Council) and his cronies throws them on the ground as being “food unfit for pigs”. Xue Wen Xi is (🐼: understandably) furious and yells at Han Sheng Zhi and the Student Council for looking down on the poor - Confucius never taught that the poor or food should be despised. (🐼: Go get ’em girl!) 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 3 - Yu Le Xuan
Ep 3: Yu Le Xuan showing class; Han looks on

Some buffoon tries to punch her but Feng Cheng Jun steps in. He stands up for the bullied “Wen Bin”, saying the gift was sincere and should have been accepted with courtesy. He picks up one of the snacks from the floor, eats it, and offers another to Han Sheng Zhi.  Yu Le Xuan smiles and also eats one. (Han Sheng Zhi looks like he’d rather kill Feng Cheng Jun). 

All the new students are then given a mission to complete that night - the one who does best will get a right to request any privilege from the Student Council; the one that can’t complete the mission will have to swim naked in the lotus pond. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 3 - Mu Xiao Man falls for Xue Wen Xi
Ep 3: Mu Xiao Man falls for Xue Wen Xi

Xue Wen Xi’s mission is to ask the beautiful dancer Miss Mu Xiao Man to dance a private performance for the Academy. This one’s tricky as Miss Mu seldom dances despite requests. Luckily (🐼: or perhaps unluckily) for Xue Wen Xi, she happens to rescue Miss Mu from some rowdy clients, and Miss Mu graciously consents to Xue Wen Xi’s request.  However, it’s also clear that Miss Mu has fallen head over heels for our heroine (🐼: oh dear...)

In a Class of her Own - episode 3 - Han Shu Min
Ep 3: Miss Han falls in love
As for Feng Cheng JunHan Sheng Zhi has organised an impossible task - he must find three unique flowers from a room in the Han mansion. Turns out the room in question is that of Miss Han Shu Min, sister to the dastardly Han Sheng Zhi. She sees our hero walk by, like one out of the books, and is instantly enchanted. (🐼: Well, who can blame her? Feng Cheng Jun does look like he just stepped out of a novel) 

Ep 3: Feng Cheng Jun, looking like he stepped out of a novel

Miss Han tells him the room is hers, and the three unique flowers are those on a painting in her room. She tries to give it to him, but he refuses, saying that it will harm her reputation if it is known that he has taken a painting from her room. (🐼: Such a gent, our hero. So I guess we can look forward to a shot of him swimming naked in the lotus pond?😉)

Meanwhile Xue Wen Xi sees a man in black, shooting arrows. He leaves behind red leaflets everywhere, advocating for “equality for all”, “study for commoners and nobility alike” etc. But he is injured. Guards come chasing the man in black. Xue Wen Xi misdirects them.
In a Class of her Own - episode 3 - man in black
Ep 3:  "Shhhhh...."
She returns to the Academy, impressing everyone by completing her mission - everyone agrees she should get the privilege prize.  Meanwhile Feng Cheng Jun is the only one who hasn’t completed his mission. Han Sheng Zhi and his cronies are delighted, telling him that the Lotus Pond is where the servants wash out the chamber pots. (🐼: Eww)

Feng Cheng Jun calmly starts taking off his robes. Xue Wen Xi steps in, invoking the privilege she has just earned to spare Feng Cheng Jun from a poop pond dunking. He’s touched.  As they head back to their dorm, he thanks her again, and says he’s in her debt. She’s amused - it’s the first time she’s ever been a creditor, and she tells him she wants to be his creditor for life. (🐼: I’m not sure she’s joking). 


🐼: Ok, this was a cute episode, and as earlier predicted I’m starting to like Feng Cheng Jun. He’s just so darn nice - that part when he defended "Wen Bin" and ate the snacks was really lovely. And let's not forget how gorgeous he is on the eyes.  Was it just me or did anyone else feel a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see him finish taking off his robes? Haha! 😂

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