Episode 21 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 21 recap

In which Lei Ze Xin shows his mettle   

In a Class of Her Own - episode 21 - Han siblings
Ep 21: The Han siblings share a joke

For once, we see a nicer side to Han Sheng Zhi as he and his sister share a few words and jokes. 

The pleasant side to him doesn't last and the weakest link in his team, Lin Bing Shen, who is jealous of Wen Bin's progress is terrified of failing. 

Meanwhile, Xue Wen Xi is worried as Lei Ze Xin is missing the night before the archery contest. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 21 - man in black
Ep 21: Lei Ze Xin - vigilante styles
He's missing because he is doing his man-in-back with flying arrows thing again, and is surrounded by guards. He puts up an impressive fight, but it's one against many, and he ends up being stabbed in the stomach. Another masked man-in-black comes to Lei Ze Xin's rescue and he manages to escape. He flees towards the Academy. Commander Lei stops Commander Gu from entering the Academy, which is a place the Emperor has forbidden weapons to be taken inside.  

Teacher Ding and Principal Feng then find Lei Ze Xin sprawled in the Academy courtyard. The latter is (🐼:hilariously) incensed that Lei Ze Xin may cost his favourites Feng Cheng Jun and Wen Bin to lose, but Lei Ze Xin says he's merely drunk. Teacher Ding can tell otherwise and secretly helps him get medicine. But Lei Ze Xin is afraid he may have to let down his junior brother - he is severely injured. 

Lord Han decides to take his guards into the Academy on the pretext of watching the archery contest, entering with Master Wang who is accompanied by Commander Lei.  

The team wait in vain for Lei Ze Xin and decide to go to the field anyway, although they would be automatically disqualified without their 5th team member. Yu Le Xuan is worried for Lei Ze Xin... 

At Mr Chao's bookstore all the villagers are taking bets on who will win or lose, there being a preliminary round, followed by a final round between two finalists teams. Miss Han bets on Feng Cheng Jun's team. Xue Wen Xi's mother is also there, for news of her daughter. Team 1 is Han Sheng Zhi's team of 5; Team 2 is Feng Cheng Jun's team, still missing their 5th member. 

Team 1 walk into the field. Han Sheng Zhi scores three perfect bullseyes for x10 points a piece. Three others in his team also score perfect scores.   

Commander Gu finds Lei Ze Xin in the Academy and is about to check him for wounds, but Teacher Ding and Teacher Liu (Lei Ze Xin's master) intervene. Teacher Ding advises Lei Ze Xin not to go to the archery contest, warning him that drawing a bow will tear open his stomach wounds and could mean discovery and death. Lei Ze Xin kneels, saying he must go - Wen Bin and Feng Cheng Jun have taught him to hope (which is stronger than fear of death) and he cannot let them lose hope.


🐼: I get that it adds to the tension and all that but honestly Lei Ze Xin, what were you thinking doing the man-in-black stunt the night before the archery contest?! But that line about hope? Feelings. Go get 'em tiger!💛

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