Episode 29 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 29 recap

In which friendship and justice triumph and the hero starts hallucinating again  

Feng Cheng Jun continues the defence, saying that the laws of Yun are wrong to discriminate - Yu Le Xuan is only wrong in trying to hide his origins. How can we wreck his future because of his birth? Xue Wen Xi adds her voice to his, saying that she is also from a poor background but that the Academy opened its doors to her to let her chase her dreams.  She argues that that chance should be given to Yu Le Xuan too. Lei Ze Xin adds that no one can choose their origins, but can choose their destiny and says to Yu Le Xuan that, being who he is, he will always flourish, whatever the circumstances. (🐼:💛) 
Master Wang asks Yu Le Xuan if he has anything to say.  Yu Le Xuan replies that he has been running from his origins, been double faced, and materialistic. But now that he has been "exposed", he actually feels relieved and can face the world with a clear conscience. Master Wang comments that we are truly invincible when we have the courage to face ourselves...

And in a beautiful moment, one by one, the scholars move to stand by him and vote for Yu Le Xuan to stay by an overwhelming majority (🐼:Awww, happy tears - such a heartwarming moment! 💛).
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - Yu Le Xuan thanks all
Ep 29: Yu Le Xuan thanks all for their support
Lei Ze Xin then raises the original impeachment issue - Han Sheng Zhi tried to instigate violence against his fellow students. He denies this, but Lei Ze Xin challenges him to show his wounds.  

Lin Bing Shen then confesses that he did it.  And that he also stole the Lingzhi powder, and tampered with Wen Bin's bow in the archery contest. He kneels in apology to Yu Le Xuan and Xue Wen Xi

Master Wang asks Han Sheng Zhi what ought to be done. Han Sheng Zhi says Lin Bing Shen has shamed the Academy... Master Wang then asks what the Quartet think.  Yu Le Xuan says they should give Lin Bing Shen a chance, just as he was given a chance. Everyone claps in approval at this gentlemanly stance, including Master Wang.    
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - Lin Bing Sheng finds his backbone
Ep 29: Lin Bing Shen finds his backbone

Afterwards, to Han Sheng Zhi's surprise, Lin Bing Shen thanks him for his previous financial help, but tells him that he is leaving his circle as he wants to hold his head with dignity. (🐼:Finally finds his backbone!) Han Sheng Zhi's other cronies also leave in disgust when they realise he truly wasn't injured and therefore had instigated the violence against "Wen Bin" and Yu Le Xuan

Lin Bing Shen come to seek forgiveness from Yu Le Xuan, with a gift of a parasol, in the hope that it will shield him from rain. It's from his first properly earned wages, from a copying job that Yu Le Xuan sourced for him. (🐼:Awww) Lin Bing Shen also asks "Wen Binfor forgiveness, saying she can hit him.  She taps him lightly on the hand in forgiveness.

Meanwhile, now that the crisis is adverted, Feng Cheng Jun is once again very awkward with Xue Wen Xi. He sees her asleep near the books (🐼:in his mind, dressed as a girl) and tries to carry her back to bed. When she sleepily wakes, he almost drops her: 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi
Ep 29: Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi 💗
Lei Ze Xin comes across his fellow scholars - one of whom was rejected by a girl he tried to court. They get to talking about the best present to give a crush and come up with a hairpin.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - hair pin shopping
Ep 29: Lei Ze Xin goes shopping for a...friend

Lei Ze Xin goes shopping, and buys a hairpin "for a friend". It's a plain one because his "friend" doesn't like frills. (🐼: It's also one a guy could wear, so "Wen Bin" can wear it now)...

Han Sheng Zhi moves back to the Han manor (🐼: probably to escape from the cold shoulders at the Academy). His parents want to find him a wife, but he is still pining after Miss MuHe gets drunk and sees Miss Mu and she tells him she despises cowards who won't face up to their own mistakes. (🐼: Ouch). 

At the Academy cafeteria, Lei Ze Xin asks to drink Xue Wen Xi's bitter melon soup. She gives it to him, and Feng Cheng Jun, from several seats away looks...jealous? Yu Le Xuan notices the interplay and he can't resist a sly dig - "is it bitter melon or sweet melon? They look so sweet..." (🐼:😆) 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - Academy cafeteria
Ep 29: Yu Le Xuan observes the interplay
Feng Cheng Jun is so distracted, he's even interpreting poetry wrong in class, which has got to be a first. He runs off in frustration and it's Yu Le Xuan in the role of agony aunt. His diagnosis is that Feng Cheng Jun is too much of a bookworm and has no experience with girls, so can't figure out the difference between brotherhood and romantic love.  He advises him to socialise with girls more so that he can figure out his problem.   
In a Class of Her Own - episode 29 - Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan
Ep 29: Observing idiocy 

Yu Le Xuan also sees Lei Ze Xin holding the hairpin and staring into space. They both remark that Feng Cheng Jun has been acting like an absolute idiot lately... Yu Le Xuan says it's because "Wen Bin" was too beautiful as a girl. "What a headache" says Lei Ze Xin

That night, Feng Cheng Jun gets a letter and heads out, Xue Wen Xi spying on him at a distance.  It's from Miss Han, who invites him to help her solve three riddles. He says yes, thinking of Yue Le Xuan's advice (🐼: oh no...) and Xue Wen Xi is very jealous...


🐼: Great episode! So happy for Yu Le Xuan and so touched by how they portray the power of friendship and brotherhood.  The boys were wonderful in this. Nice touch of redemption for Lin Bing Shen as well. Am a bit worried at where the whole "let's-get-Feng Cheng Jun-to-socilalise-with-girls-as-he's-completely-clueless" thing is going though. Trouble ahead? Hmmm...

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