Episode 25 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 25 recap

In which the Quartet investigates and Lei Ze Xin makes a discovery

In a Class of Her Own - episode 25 - handsome in official robes
Ep 25: "You think I'm handsome?"😘

Lei Ze Xin wants to beat up Han Sheng Zhi, because they all know he's behind the framing. Yu Le Xuan manages to stop him, but only just. The Quartet get ready to investigate. 

Xue Wen Xi tells her Feng-ge that he looks handsome in the official's uniform. He's quite happy about that and there's a funny scene in which, for once, it's Feng Cheng Jun who loses his balance and needs to be rescued by Xue Wen Xi. (🐼: Ha!). 

They meet up with Lei Ze Xin, who complains that the official robes make him feel like he's wrapped like a dumpling. Yu Le Xuan walks in, suavely in his own robes. Camouflage, he says (🐼: Makes sense). And he's the one who successfully sources one pot of Lingzhi powder, on sale at the black markets. 

Meanwhile, it transpires that Lin Bing Shen stole one of the packets of Lingzhi powder - though six packets had already been stolen before that. And Lin Bing Shen was the one who left Wen Bin's student tag near the cabinet... (🐼:does he never learn?! Wasn't that bow fiasco at the archery contest enough of a lesson?) Han Sheng Zhi and co are furious and terrified. 
Ep 25: Lin Bing Sheng: "It was me..." Han Sheng Zhi & Co:"Oh💩"
The Quartet plan to take on all the black market stalls at the same time and Feng Cheng Jun suggests asking the authorities to help. But the crooked official first refuses to help, then says he will help, but actually uses the troops to savagely and indiscriminately disrupt all the stores on the Street on a pretext of keeping order. The Quartet are incensed but helpless because they didn't see that one coming. (🐼: yeah, a bit naive). 

Behind the scenes, Master Wang and Teacher Ding discuss what has happened, saying they hope that the scholars are learning real life lessons. (🐼: Hmm, interesting teaching plan there). 

The Quartet manage to find out who the thief is - a chap called Mu, with three younger siblings, who has been forced by poverty to steal the Lingzhi powder to make ends meet. Their little family don't even have enough money to buy a coffin for their mother...

Xue Wen Xi decides to confess to the theft to protect Mu and his family. Feng Cheng Jun tells her she can't - the law is the law and if she confesses, she sacrifices her future to the loss of all of Yun country. Lei Ze Xin is angry and says he will confess, but she won't let him, saying she can't let him sacrifice his future. 
Ep 25: Sleepless in dorm room 2

That night, Feng Cheng Jun does not return to dorm room 2, to Xue Wen Xi's dismay. The following morning, Xue Wen Xi goes and confesses to the theft to Master Wang. Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan both offer to take her punishment. Han Sheng Zhi presses for "Wen Bin" to be expelled and the others to be punished. 

And then Feng Cheng Jun arrives! He comes with Mu, who confesses to the theft. He was willing to confess because the Quartet treated him with the dignity and because Feng Cheng Jun told him that "Wen Bin" was willing to sacrifice her future for him and his family. (🐼:Awwww)
Ep 25: Feng Cheng Jun arrives with Mu to save the day
But Han Sheng Zhi presses for punishment for Wen Bin's lying. Feng Cheng Jun defends her saying that all are guilty of turning a blind eye to the plight of the poor. Master Wang says that "Wen Bin" has cleared her name, but for lying, the punishment is that the Quartet must find the missing Lingzhi powder within three days. As for Han Sheng Zhi Master Wang deducts 20 nobility points from him for falsely accusing "Wen Bin", and acting without objectivity and fairness.(🐼: Good call👍) 

As they walk off, Master Wang explains to Teacher Ding that it's all part of his teaching plan to press the scholars to improve and prove their mettle. He's looking forward to the results.  

Xue Wen Xi is worried when Feng Cheng Jun still does not return to dorm room 2, afraid that he remains angry. She ropes Lei Ze Xin and Yu Le Xuan into helping her cook a special meal as an apology to Feng Cheng Jun. Although Lei Ze Xin complains that he doesn't know how to cook, he still comes along. 
Ep 25: Lei Ze Xin: "Why do I have to go, I can't cook"

Ep 25: The trio observing  

They leave a feast in dorm room 2 and spy on Feng Cheng Jun to see whether he will eat it. Feng Cheng Jun promptly shuts the door of dorm room 2, leading all three to jump out in protest at the cheeky so-and-so. (🐼:Hilariously, Xue Wen Xi needs some help from Lei Ze Xin to get down, and he just lifts her down as if she's a doll 😅)

Ep 25: Xue Wen Xi needs some help 😅

They rush in to see a smiling Feng Cheng Jun. He only shut the door so they would come in (🐼:Sneaky but effective!) 

Yu Le Xuan proposes that the Yuanshang Quartet go through thick and thin together henceforth. It's a friendship goals moment:
Ep 25: Yuanshang Quartet - Squad power!
The four split ways to tackle the suspect and recover the Lingzhi powder. Lei Ze Xin and Xue Wen Xi go stake out the suspicious warehouse, while Yu Le Xuan and Feng Cheng Jun go get imperial guard reinforcements. Lei Ze Xin and Xue Wen Xi are surrounded but Lei Ze Xin takes on all the bad guys with characteristic style. 

Xue Wen Xi runs after a fleeing suspicious guy with the box of Lingzhi powder, but then is chased by other bad guys. While running, she slips and falls into the river and almost drowns. Lei Ze Xin rushes to her rescue. On dry land again, he tries to revive her with chest compressions. And then he pauses, as he comes to a startling realisation... 
Ep 25: CPR gives Lei Ze Xin pause...


🐼: Come on Lei Ze Xin! Please tell me you have figured it out, it's episode 25 already 😆

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