Episode 8 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 8 recap

In which our heroine finds the trick to getting Lei Ze Xin to do just about anything and (sort of) masters the flute 

Xue Wen Xi is having zero luck getting her fellow scholars to look kindly on her in the upcoming expulsion or not vote and Lei Ze Xin refuses to play nice.  Yu Le Xuan to the rescue! He counsels playing on Lei Ze Xin’s heartstrings by doing a damsel in distress move. He (🐼:hilariously) demonstrates the efficacy of taking a guy’s arm and swinging it back and forth while pleading cutely for aid). Now you try, he says, and Xue Wen Xi is very very good at it (🐼:haha!😂) So good that the redoubtable Yu Le Xuan is a bit shell shocked:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - Xue Wen Xi and Yu Le Xuan - arm swing
Ep 8: Yu Le Xuan:  "You've really got a knack for this..."😅

Le Ze Xin is no match for her feminine wiles - he doesn’t know what’s hit him. That arm swing with batting eyes and an ultra girly “Senior Brother” has him literally running away and doubting his (and her) sanity. He takes her temperature, wondering if she’s ill and says “fine, I’ll do anything - just promise me you’ll never talk like that again”. She bats her eyelashes - (🐼:it’s 1-0 to Xue Wen Xi). Much to Yu Le Xuan’s amusement:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - taking temperature scene

In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - taking temperature sceneIn a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - taking temperature scene            

In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 -  Yu Le Xuan amused
Ep 8: Le Ze Xin: "Junior Brother, are you well?!" Yu Le Xuan: 😏
Feng Cheng Jun goes sleuthing at the tavern, hoping to be able to defend Xue Wen Xi. He discovers what really happened at the tavern and that the vase was broken in heroic circumstances. His informant is the ever besotted Miss Han. She tries to gift him a pouch as a token of her affection; he refuses saying he has no thoughts of love. Going to concentrate on his studies. It’s a gentle let down, but Miss Han isn’t willing to give up. She’s also willing to go to the Academy as a witness for what happened at the tavern.  Feng Cheng Jun clears up the matter with the Principal, but doesn’t let on to Xue Wen Xi that he’s gone to the trouble of rescuing her, only telling her and Lei Ze Xin that they’re wanted in the principal’s office.

Cue happy times - rather than suspension they are put on a probation period. Principal Feng remarks on Lei Ze Xi’s newly tidy appearance - he promptly ruffles his hair up and gets Xue Wen Xi to cutely tidy him up again:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - tidying Lei Ze Xin's hair
Ep 8: Hair straightening antics 
Principal Feng tells them that it was Feng Cheng Jun who helped them find the witness... Xue Wen Xi is touched but Lei Ze Xin remains unimpressed. 

She later uses the swinging arm trick on him again to convince him to attend Teacher Ding’s class. (🐼:2-0 to Xue Wen Xi and counting).  It’s a hilarious class. Teacher Ding passes round Principal Feng’s precious vase to collect bribes and then does magic tricks. Feng Cheng Jun is the only one with enough backbone to tell him not to waste everyone’s time. 

As it was all an unconventional but effective teaching moment, Teacher Ding tells them they ought to be deserving of what they eat, as others have toiled to give them the opportunity to learn. Even Lei Zi Xin sits up to listen. Everyone but Feng Cheng Jun fails this first class with Teacher Ding.

Meanwhile in music class Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin absolutely suck at playing the flute and are reminded that they are on probation and need to pass flute to stay on at the Academy. They “practice” in Dorm Room 2 and poor Feng Cheng Jun seriously regrets his life choices as he is forced to listen to the racket: 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - flute practice
Ep 8: Torture by flute 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - flute
Ep 8: More torture by flute 

He says he doesn’t know how to teach however, when Xue Wen Xi asks him to help. In revenge she blows that flute like it’s a weapon. More awful noises ensue.

Other schoolmates plead with Feng Cheng Jun to teach “Wen Bin” to save them from the noises that sound like screams from Hades and pigs being slaughtered. (🐼:Their words, not mine😆).

He relents, but will only teach her. She, in turn teaches Lei Ze Xin(🐼:Cute). 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - flute lessons

In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - flute lessons
Ep 8: Flute lessons 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 8 - duet
Ep 8: Duet 👍

And shortly after, their classmates wake to the sound of a truly commendable duet. Meet our two newest flutists! 

The other scholars are super impressed and ask Feng Cheng Jun for lessons but he declines. Turns out he will only teach his “Little Brother Bin” because “he’s” different.  (🐼:Ha! More than he knows...) 


🐼: This episode was so hilarious!! The arm swing trick was absolute comedy gold. Xue Wen Xi and Lei Ze Xin have amazing chemistry - their antics are something else. Yu Le Xuan is definitely not the only one snickering. And the awful flute playing, hahaha - poor Feng Cheng Jun losing the will to live and seriously regretting his life choices while his roommates inflict torture of the audio kind. Too funny! Don’t watch this episode while eating or drinking in case of accidental spit take 😆 

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