Episode 14 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 14 recap

In which our heroine stands up to a bully and, alongside the hero, makes the case for progress and change

In a Class of Her Own - ep 14 - Fen-ge and Bin-de
Ep 14: "See?  Feng-ge and I are totally fine!"

Xue Wen Xi tries to reassure her classmates that she and her "Feng-ge" are fine, but they remain a tad suspicious...

She sneaks out of the Academy to visit her Mother (and to provide her with some funds) but when she sneaks back by climbing over the wall, Han Sheng Zhi's cronies are ready and waiting to catch her out.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 14 - Xue Wen Xi stands her ground
Ep 14: Xue Wen Xi stands her ground

Han Sheng Zhi pushes her for a confession of wrongdoing but she stands her ground.  As Student Council President, he punishes her by making her stand on the wall until she backs down.  

Being full of pluck, she refuses and stands defiantly on the wall until she faints. 

Because Xue Wen Xi is so well liked by her classmates, there's a lot of muttering against Han Sheng Zhi.  They all know he was trying to exact a petty vengeance of his own because "Wen Bin" had won his girl's affections.  


In a Class of Her Own - episode 14 - princess carry
Ep 14: Feng Cheng Jun to the rescue
Feng Cheng Jun rushes to the rescue when he finds out.  He is furious and wants to report the incident to Teacher Li and the Disciplinary Board, but Yu Le Xuan calms the waters (later telling Xue Wen Xi and Feng Cheng Jun that the result would be even worse if they went to Teacher Li).  Yu Le Xuan urges caution, especially as Han Zhi Sheng has set his sights on destroying "Wen Bin".

Feng Cheng Jun decides to take things further and applies to have the Student Council's right to "discipline" other scholars revoked on the grounds that it is being abused.  

There is a Policy Forum in which the opposing sides debate the rights and wrongs of the policy, with the result to come down to an Academy vote. Feng Cheng Jun and "Wen Bin" make a strong case for change where necessary, including to bad historic rules and to the education system so that there is equality of education for all - rich, poor, male, female - alike. It's inspiring stuff and their arguments carry the day.  (🐼:And if Xue Wen Xi wasn't in love with her Feng-ge before, she sure is now😍)

In a Class of Her Own - episode 14 - Lei Ze Xin
Ep 14: Man in Black, Lei Ze Xin
The episode ends with a cliffhanger, as Lei Ze Xin, who has been running around in black again, is stopped by guards...


🐼: A bit of modern equality for all philosophy from our hero and heroine in this episode! Not much screen time for our favourite BFFs though, but perhaps this will change as our cliffhanger ends with Lei Ze Xin.

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