Episode 24 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 24 recap

In which our heroine finds parting to be sweet sorrow and is framed

When Xue Wen Xi answers the door, it's Teacher Ding, He's shocked to see her (expecting Lei Ze Xin) and hints to her that someone else is in the store room. He gives her the keys to Ming Lun Hall instead. Grateful, she ducks out, Lei Ze Xin none the wiser about her true identity. Lei Ze Xin asks Teacher Ding if he was the masked teacher who gave him the mysterious note, but it's not Teacher Ding.
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - night chat
Ep 24: Nursery rhymes for Bin-de 💝

In dorm 2, Xue Wen Xi is jealous and suspicious at Feng Cheng Jun's sunny mood. She asks if it's because he is in love. It's not. Feng Cheng Jun was happy because of the nursery rhyme performance - he wants to give a special performance for his Bin-de, to make her happy again. It makes her very happy.😍 
But her happiness doesn't last long, because Teacher Ding tells Xue Wen Xi that come Academy holidays, she ought to leave for good because Master Wang is too interested in her background and she is likely to be unmasked. 

Back in dorm room 2, a certain someone is back! It's Lei Ze Xin. The quartet head out for celebratory drinks, but the mood is dampened when they see commoners being taken away to hard labour for their debts, and they resolve to change injustices when it is in their power to do so. 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - too many gifts
Ep 24: Laden with gifts

Before the Academy term holidays, Feng Cheng Jun and Lei Ze Xin give their Academy gift packages to Xue Wen Xi. Yu Le Xuan adds his gift packages to theirs. It's rather sweet. Other scholars in the common dorms also collect all their allowance of medical herbs and gift these to Xue Wen Xi, knowing that she has someone ill in her family. She's touched.    
Han Sheng Zhi also comes to "apologise" but it's clear he doesn't mean a word. He "gifts" the food supplies of the upper dorms to Xue Wen Xi and it is obviously meant to be an insult as he says it would have been thrown away anyway. Lei Ze Xin wants to beat the stuffing out of Han Sheng Zhi for his impertinence but Xue Wen Xi stops him, saying she will accept the "gifts". 
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - Lei Ze Xin v Han Zhe Shang
Ep 24: "Do you want to die or do you not want to live?"
Yu Le Xuan helps her with the parcels, but Lei Ze Xin asks where her dignity is. Feng Cheng Jun is silent, but seems to share this view. But Xue Wen Xi smiles and explains that this food can support the poor for several days and the free medicine can be used to help them as well. Yu Le Xuan says she always (🐼: pleasantly) surprises and Lei Ze Xin says he doesn't know much, but can definitely help carry. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - Yuanshang Quartet
Ep 24: The Yuanshang quartet 

And on the way home from the Academy, the four distribute the food and medicine to the poor, gaining the nickname of the Yuanshang Quartet - "the four gentlemen of Yuanshang". Even Master Wang hears of their stellar reputation. 

Then comes a bitter sweet parting, because Xue Wen Xi knows she isn't returning. 

In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - brotherhood
Ep 24: "Sure you don't want me to drink with you tonight?"

She tells them all to be good (don't drink too much Senior brother; be a bit more serious Brother Le Xuan; lighten up and get along with other scholars Feng-ge) and turns and waves goodbye. They all return to their homes.  

In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - Xue Wen Xi
Ep 24: Pretty in pastels

At home, Xue Wen Xi dresses in the dress her mother has made for her and she looks gorgeous. Her brother asks about her school mates. She tells him about Yu Le Xuan (mischievous and full of ideas); Lei Ze Xin (willful but protective, and full of secrets); and Feng Cheng Jun? She smiles sweetly:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - Xue Wen Xi in love
Ep 24: Someone is in love💓
At the Feng villa, Feng Cheng Jun can't sleep. When he glances beside him, it's Bin-de that he sees. (🐼:You got it bad, brother, and you don't even know it yet!😆):
In a Class of Her Own - episode 24 - Feng Cheng Jun sleepless
Ep 24: Sleepless Feng Cheng Jun sees his Bin-de everywhere
Back at the Academy, some Lingzhi powder that is to be a tribute to the emperor is found to be missing. Han Sheng Zhi swears it was in the cabinet. Nearby, Wen Bin's student name badge is located...

Teacher Ding goes to Xue Wen Xi's home and asks where her student name badge is. He tells her to change back into men's clothing and return to the Academy for fear that investigations will lead to her home and exposure of her family.

On her return, Han Sheng Zhi accuses "Wen Bin" of the theft, pointing to her student name badge and the fact that she had been seen leaving the medicine hall with supplies. She denies this. Principal Feng suggests going to Wen Bin's home to check the herbs. But she refuses and says that she has sold the herbs. Master Wang arrives.Teacher Ding asks her to tell the truth. She says that she has never seen the herbs and only confessed as she didn't want to worry her Mother. 

Feng Cheng Jun, Lei Zi Xin and Yu Le Xuan all vouch for her, saying that if she is a thief, they might as well be said to be accomplices, because they do not believe she would steal - their "brother" has clearly been framed. Han Sheng Zhi is all for taking the case to the authorities. Master Wang disagrees, saying they must investigate the case themselves as it will harm the Academy's reputation if there is either a thief or a framer at play. He gives them two days - Han Sheng Zhi and co to prove their case, Wen Bin and co to prove her innocence.   


🐼: Hmmm, the plot thickens... so it's clearly not innocent until proven guilty in those days. But I'm glad the parting of the Quartet wasn't permanent because they make the best squad and I'm not ready for them to part. 

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