Episode 2 Recap - In a Class of Her Own (2020)

Episode 2 recap  

In which our heroine finds herself enrolled in the all male Yuanshang Academy and acquires a hot roommate  

Episode 2 starts with Feng Cheng Jun heading to the bookstore to find the copier (ie. Xue Wen Xi) who promptly flees, fearing retribution for the recent cheating shenanigans at Yuanshang Academy. She bumps into Yu Le Xuanwho we find out is, as well as being a scholar, a successful businessman.  Yu Le Xuan looks way too pleased with himself about it all. 

Meanwhile, the bookkeeper Mr Chao tells Feng Cheng Jun all about "Wen Bin", saying that he is impoverished but principled.  Won't usually help scholars cheat on principle, so must have fallen on particularly bad times recently...
In a Class of Her Own - Yu Le Xuan ep 2
Ep 2: Yu Le Xuan (hmmm, would you trust that smiling face? 😉)

Our favourite resident trouble stirrer Yu Le Xuan makes an appearance, telling Feng Cheng Jun he can help him find the trickster - all Feng Cheng Jun has to do is show up at an abandoned temple later that night (though fair warning, you may be in for a surprise!)

Feng Cheng Jun goes to the abandoned temple and sees Xue Wen Xi, who is there to deliver a banned book to the buyer.  A classic "you again" moment ensues, but it turns out they have both been played, because someone has clearly alerted the authorities, who give chase.  

Feng Cheng Jun and Xue Wen Xi run for it, and she hurts her foot, so he gives her a piggyback.  Anyway, they end up standing very close together in a cave to hide from their pursuers. Cue cute scene, though Xue Wen Xi rather hilariously tells Feng Cheng Jun to suck his stomach in (🐼: ha!)
In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - cave scene
Ep 2: Cave scene - Xue Wen Xi: "Oi, suck in your stomach". 
Once the guards leave, Feng Cheng Jun tries to persuade Xue Wen Xi not to waste “his” considerable talents and to sit the upcoming second entrance exams for the Academy so that “he” can serve king and country.  Since she isn’t a “he”, Xue Wen Xi tells the well meaning Feng Cheng Jun that she’s not interested. 

But the debt situation is getting dire with one day to go to repayment day, so it’s off to Mr Chao again to see if he has any paying jobs. He does! This time, it’s not to “aid” a scholar, but to actually sit the second entrance exam as a scholar. Apparently the client is willing to pay $1,000 regardless of success (which seems a little too good to be true). So Xue Wen Xi heads to the exams. 

Feng Cheng Jun is also there and gives her a sweet smile (🐼: so it’s fairly obvious who the generous client is).  Invigilator Ding is at the exam this time and he is clearly a big shot. 

Cue angst galore for Xue Wen Xi when Feng Cheng Jun stands up and proffers her as a suitable candidate for an exemption from the earlier first entrance exam so she can proceed directly to the second. She also can’t stuff it up on purpose as that would mean not giving Principal Feng, who wrote the recommendation, face. After finding out that there’s no punishment if you sit the second exam but are a no show at the third and final exam, Xue Wen Xi does the exam.

But of course the third exam follows straight after (an oral one with the invigilators) and Xue Wen Xi finds herself accepted into the Academy. She’s somewhat reconciled to her fate when she finds out that all scholars get a monthly stipend of $300 for studying, and decides to game the system for at least one month. (🐼: They get paid to study? Now that's a sweet deal). 

Feng Cheng Jun also impresses the examiners with his brilliance - they want to recommend he skip the study part and go straight to serving as an official. He declines, saying he must set a good example by studying as everyone else does. 

Meanwhile, Xue Wen Xi sits down to write another installment of "When Love Begins".  A certain familiar face or two gets incorporated - Lei Ze Xin as knight hero and Feng Cheng Jun as a nasty informer with a prominent mole on his face (🐼: hahaha!):

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes, informer

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes - Feng Cheng Jun with mole on face

In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - Xue Wen Xi's novel scenes
Ep 2: Scenes from Xue Wen Xi's novel "Where Love Begins"
On the first day at the Academy, Xue Wen Xi gets assigned to Dorm 2, which belongs to the absent Lei Ao, a feisty Senior who has not graduated because he has only mastered martial arts.  Apparently, everyone is scared of him but he doesn't hang around at the Academy much.  Cue happiness for Xue Wen Xi as she thinks she has scored a dorm room all to herself.  But of course, being a principled sort, Feng Cheng Jun refuses a "superior" dorm room despite being of the nobility and opts to have a normal freshman dorm.  So this happens:
In a Class of Her Own - episode 2 - new room mate
Ep 2:  Xue Wen Xi: "A room all to myself, yay!" Feng Cheng Jun: "Hi". 


🐼: So they are going to be roommates!  This is going to be fun - can we just add Lei Ze Xin into the mix already?  He's got to be Lei Ao right?  That novel "Where Love Begins" is too funny - our heroine has a very overactive imagination...  

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